Hollie Harris (@allholls) 's Twitter Profile
Hollie Harris


Writer. Mom. Storyteller. #GenXer. And apparently the person in charge of what's for dinner until the end of time.

ID: 37425715

linkhttps://twitter.com/search?q=from%3A%40allholls%2Fexclude%3Areplies&src=typed_query calendar_today03-05-2009 14:30:34

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282 Following

Rodney Lacroix (@rodlacroix) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Child [doing homework]: What's an example of a palindrome? Me: Mom. Child: Ugh. Fine. Mom, what's an example of a palindrome? Wife: Dad. Child: OHMYGOD WHY WON'T YOU GUYS HELP ME

Tracie Breaux (@traciebreaux) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Relationship Status: just tried to pet my dog and he turned his head so I pretended I was reaching for a leaf that was next to him

Katie D (@katiedeal99) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I saw a parent at the McDonaldโ€™s play area take out a flask and drink from it and while Iโ€™m not saying itโ€™s ok I do understand

Hollie Harris (@allholls) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Watching an old series on Hulu and there's no skip recap or skip intro options, and I feel like I'm back in the Dark Ages watching TV.

meghan (@deloisivete) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just heard a loud crash from the other room and then my kid asked who wanted to see what 1300 legos looked like, so that's probably fine

nika (@nikalamity) 's Twitter Profile Photo

schools: we need a note post absence for your student to return me [who never writes notes]: legally you have to take him back