Elizabeth M. Renieris (is back to work, ltd on X) (@hackylawyer) 's Twitter Profile
Elizabeth M. Renieris (is back to work, ltd on X)


Author, BEYOND DATA (@MITPress) / Sr Researcher @EthicsinAI @UniofOxford / Responsible AI @mitsmr / @DigCivSoc @CarrCenter @BKCHarvard / CEO @HACKYLAWYER

ID: 944005227300179968

linkhttps://hackylawyer.com calendar_today22-12-2017 00:42:39

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Elizabeth M. Renieris (is back to work, ltd on X) (@hackylawyer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Am I the only one who cringes at these photos? When we continue to elevate tech CEOs to the level of heads of state, it's no wonder that they act like quasi-sovereigns.