Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸(@jacksonhinklle) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨🇮🇱 After issuing an ARREST WARRANT for NETANYAHU, the ICC’s Karim Khan was lectured by a “senior world leader” that the ICC is supposed to go after “Africa and thugs like Putin,” not the West and it’s allies…

holy sh*t

A. Ahmet Özdemir(@aahmtt19) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Putin'den İran Cumhurbaşkanı Reisi'nin ölümüne dair bomba çıkış:

'Heyetteki diğer iki helikopter Rus helikopterleri olduğu için, aynı rotada aynı şartlarda, olmasına rağmen sorun çıkmadı'

Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський(@ZelenskyyUa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Putin not only wants to disrupt the Peace Summit and makes every effort to do so, but he is also afraid of what the Summit can bring. The world is capable of forcing Russia to make peace and follow international security norms.

Russia has no counterarguments to the global

Alerta News 24(@AlertaNews24) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇷🇺🇮🇷 | Vladimir Putin sobre el accidente de Raisi: 'Por cierto.. los escoltas volaron en otros dos helicópteros eran rusos y no les pasó nada.. creo, no?'.

ppłk rez. Maciej Korowaj(@Maciej_Korowaj) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'MGŁA WOJNY' - nowe rozdanie...?

Putin i Łukaszenka spotykają się w Mińsku, aby omówić ćwiczenia wojskowe z użyciem broni jądrowej, w których Rosjanie również angażują Białorusinów.

Ma to być presja na kraje Zachodu i groźba wobec USA i kontestującą jej polityki nie eskalacji

Li Zexin(@XH_Lee23) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2 points worth noting 🇨🇳🇷🇺

1️⃣Xi hugged Putin for a goodbye, the first time I’ve ever seen this.

2️⃣Neither of them was wearing a tie.

These only happen between people who are very very very close.

Aussie Cossack(@aussiecossack) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨🇺🇦BREAKING: Zelensky is no longer legitimate as his term has expired according to the constitution of Ukraine.

🇷🇺President Vladimir Putin in Minsk.

Zlatti71(@Zlatti_71) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇧🇭The King of Bahrain has arrived in Russia on an official visit and will meet Vladimir Putin on 23 May.


Muharrem Demirok(@MuharremDemirok) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Det är nu som bomberna faller. Ukraina behöver luftherrravälde för att vinna över Putin. Sverige måste skicka JAS 39 Gripen, också de plan vi lovade Orbán. Vi väljer Ukraina före Ungern. tt.omni.se/krav-pa-gripen…

Clandestine(@WarClandestine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Putin arrives in Beijing to meet with Xi.

You’ll notice both Xi and Putin have trailing officials carrying their nation’s respective nuclear footballs.

Simply a matter of protocol? Or an intentional display of strength and unity?

Victor vicktop55(@vicktop55) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I don't know how to understand this. I am conveying Putin’s words to you, and you understand it as you wish.

Putin on the possibility of negotiations with Ukraine:

'We see now that conversations have resumed again about the need to return to negotiations. Let them come

Concerned Citizen(@BGatesIsaPyscho) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Putin & Xi Jinping Bodyguards acknowledging each other makes for insanely good viewing.

Fight to the death - who wins out of the two?

Eterno Primavera(@SiPeroNo1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Xabier Fortes: 'No infiera de mí que tengo una posición belicista'

Irene Montero: 'Usted me está planteando que la guerra es necesaria para ganar a Putin. Eso es defender la guerra'

Te estás llevando una tras otra, Fortes
