Joshua Horwitz (@joshuamhorwitz) 's Twitter Profile
Joshua Horwitz


ID: 55590005

calendar_today10-07-2009 15:31:04

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Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SCOTUS UPHOLDS FIREARM PROHIBITIONS FOR PEOPLE SUBJECT TO DVPOs! It's a sigh of relief for victims and survivors of DV. SCOTUS confirms that we as a nation choose to protect people and disarm those shown to be dangerous. Read our Q&A for background:…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SCOTUS ruled that firearm prohibitions tied to Domestic Violence Protective Orders are constitutional. What are the implications for the 2nd Amendment and survivors? Find out in our new piece examining US v. Rahimi:…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General advisory on gun violence as a public health issue is a step in the right direction. We pioneered this approach to combatting gun violence. Many of the advisory’s recommendations align with goals our research has promoted for decades.…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Research centers like the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions can identify what’s driving the gun violence epidemic and look for interventions that might stop it,” co-director Joshua Horwitz mentioned to Health.…

The Joyce Foundation (@joycefdn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today our Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform team released new research that 1/2 of all law enforcement agencies don’t use ATF HQ’s intelligence tools to solve gun crimes. Read more ⬇️ + recommendations for improvement. #GunViolencePrevention…

Today our Gun Violence Prevention &amp; Justice Reform team released new research that 1/2 of all law enforcement agencies don’t use <a href="/ATFHQ/">ATF HQ</a>’s intelligence tools to solve gun crimes. Read more ⬇️ + recommendations for improvement. 
Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are saddened & disgusted by the shooting at former President Trump’s rally in PA. Political violence + gun violence is never acceptable in any form. This tragic incident underscores the urgent need for comprehensive measures to prevent such violence.…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you working to prevent violence in your community? A new toolkit from Mallory O’Brien and Center co-director Cassandra Crifasi, supported by JHU American Health, provides a step-by-step guide for predicting & preventing violence in communities across the nation.

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The attempted assassination of former President Trump is a wake-up call for the nation. We don’t have to live in constant fear of political violence. Read the new op-ed by co-director Joshua Horwitz and law and policy advisor, Tim Carey in The Trace:…

Jeffrey Swanson (@jeffswansonduke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Risk protection orders (aka “red flag laws”) save lives. New evidence from our study of thousands of cases in 4 states.…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you registered for our webinar? Blueprint for Safety: Crafting and Strengthening Effective Extreme Risk Protection Order Laws, will take place on Sept 6 at 12PM EST. Panelists include, Tim Carey, Lisa Geller, MPH, Rep. Jennifer O'Mara, and Delegate Rip Sullivan. Register:…

Have you registered for our webinar?

Blueprint for Safety: Crafting and Strengthening Effective Extreme Risk Protection Order Laws, will take place on Sept 6 at 12PM EST. Panelists include, Tim Carey, <a href="/lisabgeller/">Lisa Geller, MPH</a>, <a href="/RepOMara/">Rep. Jennifer O'Mara</a>, and <a href="/RipSullivan6/">Delegate Rip Sullivan</a>.

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Research shows that our 5 evidence-based solutions to gun violence are supported by Americans across political parties. We urge policymakers to pass firearm regulations to save lives and effectively combat the public health epidemic of gun violence.…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Big win for public health policy! Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld Maryland's Handgun Qualification License law, which is a form of Firearm Purchaser Licensing. Read our full timeline and explanation of the case:…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW RESOURCE: Visit our new Community Gun Violence page to learn more about contributing factors, impact, relevant community violence intervention projects & programs, plus much more. Go in-depth on Community Gun Violence:…

NEW RESOURCE: Visit our new Community Gun Violence page to learn more about contributing factors, impact, relevant community violence intervention projects &amp; programs, plus much more.

Go in-depth on Community Gun Violence:…
Secretary Antony Blinken (@secblinken) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hersh Goldberg-Polin is an American hero who will be remembered for his kindness and selflessness. Our hearts break for Jon, Rachel, and their entire family, as well as the other families who found out today their loved ones won’t be coming home. May their memory be a blessing.

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"As someone who studies gun violence prevention laws and works to implement them, I can tell you that ERPO laws are designed to prevent such tragedies and minimize the hurdles present in Maine’s yellow flag law." Read Lisa Geller, MPH's op-ed in Portland Press Herald:…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As details emerge on the shooting at Apalachee HS, we stand with all affected by this tragedy. The U.S. continues to be the only place school shootings regularly occur. The latest data shows guns are the leading cause of death among youth and teens.…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 2022, someone was killed by a gun every 11 mins. The Center’s new firearm mortality report, Gun Violence in the U.S. 2022, examines 2022 CDC firearm mortality data to highlight the burden of gun violence on children & teens. Read our new report:…

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Save the Date! Join us on October 30th for our seminar, Political Violence and Public Health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Director of UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program, Garen Wintemute, will discuss political violence and its range of effects on public health.…

Save the Date! Join us on October 30th for our seminar, Political Violence and Public Health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Director of <a href="/UCDavisCVP/">UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program</a>, Garen Wintemute, will discuss political violence and its range of effects on public health.…
Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Submit your research for a special collection – A Decade of ERPO: What does the evidence say about the use, effectiveness and opportunities for improving implementation + impact of this important firearm violence prevention tool? Submit for consideration:…

Submit your research for a special collection – A Decade of ERPO: What does the evidence say about the use, effectiveness and opportunities for improving implementation + impact of this important firearm violence prevention tool? Submit for consideration:…