The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile
The Consortium


The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy. We are researchers, practitioners, & advocates working to advance evidence-based gun violence prevention policies.

ID: 753661773215969280

link calendar_today14-07-2016 18:45:44

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UConn’s ARMS Center (@uconn_arms) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Restrictive state-level firearm policies are associated with less movement of firearms to other states, but with more movement of firearms from outside states. The effectiveness of state-level firearm-restricting laws is complicated by a network of interstate firearm movement."

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Grant opportunity: Under the W.E.B. DuBois Program, the National Institute of Justice seeks applications for funding investigator-initiated research examining how observed racial and ethnic disparities in the justice system might be reduced through public policy interventions.

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Stolen Firearms in Missouri Are Linked to the Repeal of Its Permit-to-Purchase Law" by Eugenio Weigend Vargas of American Progress:…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📆 December 10 @ 12p ET: the The Joyce Foundation 's Lunch & Learn series presents new research from the Violence Prevention Research Program at UC Davis Health led by Julia Schleimer, MPH…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Emergency physician risk of occupational mortality: A scoping review" by Craig Goolsby of Uniformed Services University & NCDMPH, with Vidya Lala, Riley Gebner, Nicole Dacuyan-Faucher, Nathan Charlton and Keke Schuler in JACEP Open…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good news from Pennsylvania as @GovernorTomWolf announces a $15 million investment in grassroots violence intervention programs across the commonwealth.…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Talking about firearm injury prevention, suicide and community violence can be difficult, and the language we use matters in how messages are received..." An important study from Emmy Betz, MD, MPH 🇺🇲🩺🔬🤝❤️ and colleagues:…

Thomas Abt (@abt_thomas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Every city suffering from high rates of violent crime should have a permanent unit dedicated to violence reduction operating inside the mayor’s office, with its leadership reporting directly to the mayor.“ Read the latest from Council on Criminal Justice's #VCWG here:…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.@EFSGV released their analysis of CDC research on gun violence in 2020, which reveals a sharp rise in gun deaths and massive racial disparities among the victims. Read more:…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Gunshot-related spinal cord injuries have serious social and economic consequences in adulthood well beyond physical disability...” New study in JSCM:…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"As many as two out of every three Californians have been exposed indirectly to gun violence in the course of their normal daily activities..." Read more about the latest work from UC Davis Firearm Violence Research Center.…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5 Key Challenges and Solutions around firearms and gender-based violence in the U.S. Read More from American Progress:…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"A public health approach has three important parts. The first is that it's based on science. The second is it's focused on prevention. And the third is that it's collaborative by nature." Wise words from Dr. Mark Rosenberg on All Things Considered. Check it out:…

The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"This REIA instrument creates a space and a structured opportunity for those long-overdue conversations to occur,” says the Consortium's Jeffrey Swanson. Check out the full report:

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions (@jhu_cgvs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Halfway there! The Ed Fund needs your vote by March 31st. CREDO Mobile selected the Ed Fund to be one of its March Donations Program recipients. How much we receive is based on how many votes we get! Be sure to vote for the Ed Fund before March 31st!

Halfway there! The Ed Fund needs your vote by March 31st. CREDO Mobile selected the Ed Fund to be one of its March Donations Program recipients. How much we receive is based on how many votes we get!

Be sure to vote for the Ed Fund before March 31st!
The Consortium (@consortium_rbfp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One in three individuals who committed homicide with a firearm had been heavily drinking when they murdered their victims, according to our new report on alcohol use as a risk factor for gun violence. Learn more from the full report:…