The Consortium
The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy. We are researchers, practitioners, & advocates working to advance evidence-based gun violence prevention policies.
ID: 753661773215969280
http://www.riskbasedfirearmpolicy.org/ 14-07-2016 18:45:44
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"Mass murder in America: Trends, characteristics, explanations, and policy response" by Jack Levin of Northeastern U. Northeastern CSSH in HomicideStudies doi.org/10.1177/108876…

📆 December 6–7: American Progress's 7th Annual Gun Violence Prevention Conference rsvp.americanprogress.org/page/35575/eve…

Grant opportunity: Under the W.E.B. DuBois Program, the National Institute of Justice seeks applications for funding investigator-initiated research examining how observed racial and ethnic disparities in the justice system might be reduced through public policy interventions. nij.ojp.gov/funding/current

"Stolen Firearms in Missouri Are Linked to the Repeal of Its Permit-to-Purchase Law" by Eugenio Weigend Vargas of American Progress: americanprogress.org/article/stolen…

📆 December 10 @ 12p ET: the The Joyce Foundation 's Lunch & Learn series presents new research from the Violence Prevention Research Program at UC Davis Health led by Julia Schleimer, MPH eventbrite.com/e/research-on-…

"Gun homicide research: What we know and where we need to go" by Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ JH Center for Gun Violence Prevention & Policy and April Zeoli, PhD of MSU School of Criminal Justice in HomicideStudies doi.org/10.1177/108876…

"Emergency physician risk of occupational mortality: A scoping review" by Craig Goolsby of Uniformed Services University & NCDMPH, with Vidya Lala, Riley Gebner, Nicole Dacuyan-Faucher, Nathan Charlton and Keke Schuler in JACEP Open doi.org/10.1002/emp2.1…

"Talking about firearm injury prevention, suicide and community violence can be difficult, and the language we use matters in how messages are received..." An important study from Emmy Betz, MD, MPH 🇺🇲🩺🔬🤝❤️ and colleagues: coloradosph.cuanschutz.edu/research-and-p…

“Every city suffering from high rates of violent crime should have a permanent unit dedicated to violence reduction operating inside the mayor’s office, with its leadership reporting directly to the mayor.“ Read the latest from Council on Criminal Justice's #VCWG here: counciloncj.org/meeting-bullet…

5 Key Challenges and Solutions around firearms and gender-based violence in the U.S. Read More from American Progress: americanprogress.org/article/guns-a…

"A public health approach has three important parts. The first is that it's based on science. The second is it's focused on prevention. And the third is that it's collaborative by nature." Wise words from Dr. Mark Rosenberg on All Things Considered. Check it out: npr.org/2022/02/05/107…

"This REIA instrument creates a space and a structured opportunity for those long-overdue conversations to occur,” says the Consortium's Jeffrey Swanson. Check out the full report: efsgv.org/racialequity/