Colin Kinner
@CovidSafetyEd | @SafeAirVentures |@Air_Accelerator | NED @SaferAirProject. Science & tech communicator. Advocate for clean air & safe schools. Views my own.
ID: 35661932
https://linktr.ee/colinkinner 27-04-2009 03:47:41
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Trying to raise money for the wheelchair I need due to LC complications. All badge sales support #Accessibility and #Mobility Please help boost, if you can 🙏🏼💛 Denis - The COVID info guy - tern Mike Honey David Joffe MB BS (Hons), PhD, FRACP 🇦🇺 Dr David Berger, aBsuRdiSTe cROnickLeR Dr. Deepti Gurdasani Dr Andrew Miller - bring back disease prevention #LongCovid

Hosted our first webinar this week as part of COVID Safety For Schools Course COVID Safety For Schools. Paediatrician Dr Greg Kelly gave an excellent overview of how clean air can help keep children and teachers healthy. Recording here for teachers / parents 👇 covidsafetyforschools.org/webinars

Important steps being taken in Victoria to address indoor air quality and reduce burden of disease from COVID and other hazards. Great in-depth reporting (and misinformation-busting) as always from Hayley Gleeson abc.net.au/news/2024-07-3…

Still time to register for tomorrow's COVID myth-busting webinar with Dr Noor Bari Dr Noor Bari. Expect a highly informative discussion based on the latest science. A worthwhile investment of an hour for school staff and parents. covidsafetyforschools.org/webinars

How can this be happening in Australia Bill Shorten Anthony Albanese ? x.com/erinapn1/statu…