Women in Nuclear Global
We are #WiNGlobal ⚛ Women from all over the world 🌎 working professionally in various fields of nuclear energy ⚡ and radiation applications 👩🔬
ID: 271181914
http://www.win-global.org 24-03-2011 00:59:00
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232 Following

Rod Adams
Enabling humanity to flourish with atomic energy. Conversation at atomicinsights.com. VC at nucleationcapital.com. Join us in investing in #advancednuclear
Jennifer Granholm
This is my personal feed; please follow at @SecGranholm where I will be most often. Former Gov. of MI; advocate for clean energy & US jobs. I block trolls.
Idaho National Lab
The nation's nuclear energy research laboratory. (RTs are not endorsements)
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency ⚛️
IAEA is the 🌍's centre for cooperation in the #nuclear field, promoting the safe, secure & peaceful use of nuclear technology. IAEA DG @RafaelMGrossi
World Nuclear News
The latest nuclear power information, free every day. WNN is produced by the @WorldNuclear Secretariat.
World Bank
The official World Bank account. Our vision is to create a world without poverty on a #LivablePlanet. Check: @BancoMundial, @Banquemondiale & @AlbankAldawli.
Pro Mujer
Buscamos avanzar hacia la igualdad de género en América Latina.| We work to advance gender equality in Latin America. #WomanCEO @carmen_correaPM
Heather Hoff
Mothers for Nuclear Cofounder. Nuclear is our best hope in combatting climate change and protecting the future for our children.
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization. We work to end nuclear tests worldwide. Retweet ≠ endorsement
American Nuclear Society
The American #Nuclear Society is a not-for-profit dedicated to advancing the peaceful use of nuclear science and technology. 🇺🇸⚛️🌎 #NetZeroNeedsNuclear
Institute of the Americas
For 40 years, the Institute of the Americas has promoted sound public policy and fostered cooperation between public and private sectors across the hemisphere
Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales. Think Tank. Mexican Council on Foreign Relations.
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). 2017 @nobelprize winner. Working with governments, @icrc and @UN to ban nuclear weapons. #nuclearban
Shaukat Abdulrazak,PhD,EBS
Director, Division for Africa, Technical Cooperation Department @IAEATC Views are my own. Retweets not endorsement.
South African Institute of International Affairs
A non-governmental think tank advancing a peaceful, economically sustainable and globally engaged Africa. Subscribe to our newsletter: bit.ly/39iqV7E
U.S. Women in Nuclear is the premier network of nearly 8,500 individuals who work in nuclear-and radiation-related fields around the country.
Nuclear Institute Young Generation Network (YGN)
Official Twitter for the @nuclearinst's Young Generation Network (YGN) | Young people passionate about a cleaner world! #NetZeroNeedsNuclear
INMM Tweets
Institute of Nuclear Materials Management
U.S. Department of Energy
Building the new energy economy. Reducing environmental risks. Expanding the frontiers of knowledge via innovative scientific research.
Thomas Thor
Recruitment, leadership search and workforce consulting services to the global Nuclear Industry and organizations shaping a Net Zero future.
John Arthur Gorman
President - Canadian Nuclear Association. Environmentalist. Clean Energy Advocate. Hobby farmer. Husband. Dad.
Medhat Naguib Eliwa

J’Tia, Duchess of Liverpool in her own right🖊
Nonproliferation Director @INL | @RealSTEMQueens Creator | Nuclear Engineer | Survivor Contestant
Policy School
Canada’s Leading Policy School @UCalgary led by Martha Hall Findlay. Global. Focused. Practical.
Jeremy Gordon
I connect people and information and look at what's next. Working to make nuclear energy the best it can be. Same username everywhere.
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear
El CSN es el único organismo regulador competente en materia de seguridad nuclear y protección radiológica en España. Búscanos también en LinkedIn y YouTube.
David Hess
Senior VP at DeepGeo. Tweets on nuclear, energy and environment. Nuclear in space is awesome #astronuclear. Multinational repositories are also #atoms4africa
Olga Algayerova
Ministry of Foreign Affairs former Executive Secretary of #UNECE, UN USG
Twitter oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Protección Radiológica - Official twitter account for the Sociedad Chilena de Protección Radiológica
Clean Air Task Force
Catalyzing resilient solutions, scaled to meet the climate challenge.
@iaeaorg's Nuclear Sciences and Applications: Securing a Better Future for all with Nuclear Techniques. [follows, RTs, likes ≠ endorsements]
Acteur majeur de la recherche 🇫🇷 et 🇪🇺 Apporte des solutions technologiques concrètes 💪 #Énergie #Climat #Numérique #Santé #Défense #Sécurité
KHNP Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.
Korea Hydro&Nuclear Power Enrich Life Through Eco-Friendly Energy. Improve business performance and create public value based on carbon free and clean energy.
Jóvenes Nucleares
Asociación de jóvenes estudiantes y profesionales de la Sociedad Nuclear Española @SNEu235 | Divulgamos sobre ciencia y tecnología nuclear ⚛️ #DerribandoMitos
Prospect Law
An energy specialist law firm with senior legal and technical expertise in the cleantech and renewable energy sectors and a robust ESG practice.
Women in Nuclear (WiN) - España
Mujeres involucradas profesionalmente con radiaciones ionizantes y sus aplicaciones linktr.ee/womeninnuclear…
IAEA Dept. of NUCLEAR ENERGY: Safe, Secure, Sustainable Energy [follows, RTs, likes ≠ endorsements]
Sociedad Nuclear Española (SNE)
La SNE, asociación sin ánimo de lucro, constituida por profesionales e instituciones para promover el conocimiento y difusión de la ciencia y tecnología nuclear
ENS-YGN is a vibrant network connecting all Nuclear Young Generation Networks over Europe.
Center on Global Energy Policy
The Center on Global Energy Policy. Advancing smart, actionable and evidence-based energy and climate solutions through research, education and dialogue.
Real Academia de Ingeniería
La Real Academia de Ingeniería promueve la excelencia, la calidad y la competencia de la ingeniería española.
Terrestrial Energy
Clean Energy for Global Industry
Women in Renewable Energy
Advancing the role and recognition of women and under-represented groups working in the climate sector, globally.
Oscar Archer
Neurodivergent 🌾 professional▫️ Full-time #MultipleSclerosis carer▫️ 🔆⚡️⚛️🔋🌪 Let's take our world's energy challenges seriously
Our mission: To be the leader in knowledge exchange, professional development and certification for nuclear security management.
[email protected]
TFV México
Proveedor de válvulas industriales / Mexican valve supplier. Tweets de industria, negocios, ciencia y tecnología.
Rafael MarianoGrossi
Director General of the @IAEAorg International Atomic Energy Agency
New Nuclear Watch Institute (NNWI)
NNWI is an industry supported think-tank, securing recognition of the essential role of #nuclear in averting dangerous #climatechange.
Ian Biggs
Ambassador to 🇦🇹, 🇧🇦, 🇭🇺, 🇸🇮 & 🇸🇰 and Australian Permanent Representative to the IAEA, UNODC, CTBTO, UNOOSA & OSCE.
Nuclear Waste Services
Nuclear Waste Services brings together the UK’s leading nuclear waste management capabilities. We're making nuclear waste permanently safe, sooner.
We're building the energy of the future. Delivering the next generation of clean, safe, and affordable nuclear energy technology. #AdvancedNuclear
Office of Nuclear Energy
@ENERGY’s home for nuclear energy research, demos, and deployment. RT/Mentions aren't endorsements.
Official Twitter account for Institute of Nuclear Materials and Management (INMM) Ahmadu Bello University Student Chapter. Email: [email protected]
Nuclear Operator
Alfredo García @OperadorNuclear. Control Room Supervisor, Telecommunications Engineer, Degree in Audiovisual Communication, and Science Communicator.
Secretary Jennifer Granholm
16th Secretary of @ENERGY. Former Governor of Michigan. Obsessed with solving climate change and creating good-paying clean energy jobs.
CTBT Young Professionals Network
Young Professionals Network (YPN) of young scientists and technical professionals working on verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)
Khadija Bendam
WiN Morocco President/WIN Global EC&Board& award committee chair/ WINEPRI Leader/ IAEA Expert/INSC executive /Head Safety and security audits CNESTEN
原子力・放射線利用分野で働く女性のネットワーク。WiN-Japanは、世界に約35,000人の会員を有す国際NGO WiN(Women in Nuclear)の日本支部で、原子力および放射線に関する理解促進を目的とする。
The official account of #Egypt Presidency of the UN Conference on Climate Change #COP27 in #SharmElSheikh - #TogetherForImplementation-RTs are not endorsements.
KHNP Česko
KHNP, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, je jihokorejská státní společnost s téměř 50 lety zkušeností se stavbou a provozem nukleárních elektráren.
Operador Nuclear
Alfredo García. Licencia de Operador de Reactor y Supervisor, Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones, Licenciado en Comunicación Audiovisual y Divulgador Científico.
Jasmin Diab
#nerd - Co-founder @DEF_Aus, President @WiN_Australia, Rugby and Trampoline Dodgeball Player, Shoe enthusiast. Opinions are my own (or my dog's) 💚
U/S of State for Arms Control & Int'l Security
Amb. Bonnie D. Jenkins. Proud to serve @StateDept as U/S of State for Arms Control and Int'l Security (T). Advancing a stable and secure int'l environment.
Gender Scan
L'étude de référence sur la #mixité dans l'#innovation #hightech The reference survey on gender balance in #technology & #innovation #Gender #STEM
Generation Atomic
Nonprofit empowering today's generations to advocate for an atomic future. Tweets often by @ericgmeyer #NuclearEnergy #NetZeroNeedsNuclear #StandUpForNuclear
António Guterres
Secretary-General of the @UN. We will never, ever give up making this world better for everyone, everywhere.
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, Ph.D.
Under Secretary of State (T); Founder & Form ED @WCAPSnet, @Orgs_Solidarity, @ReDefinenatsec; Ret. Navy; #TFamilyinAction; #PeopleofTFamily; @UnderSecT; My acct
GWNET aims to advance the global energy transitions by empowering women in energy through interdisciplinary networking, advocacy, training and mentoring.