Vincent O. Wanga
ID: 1695458425826627584
26-08-2023 15:29:41
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Day 1; Interesting, engaging, insightful. Happy to be part of this workshop African BioGenome Project

Follow the great conversations we are having at the second East and Central African BioGenome Project AfricaBP located in SAJOREC JKUAT Discover JKUAT Here... youtube.com/live/c5x0ZyytB…

This week, hundreds of African scientists turned up in-person and virtually in Kenya for the 2nd edition of the African BioGenome Project African BioGenome Project Open Institute East and Central Africa Regional Workshop 2024. Prof Anne Muigai

The African BioGenome Project African BioGenome Project had the honour of hosting inqaba biotec Illumina Thermo Fisher AFRICA BIOSYSTEMS LTD, F & S Scientific Ltd & CA MEDLYNKS KENYA LIMITED as Exhibitors during the 2nd edition of the African BioGenome Project Open Institute this week.

📢PhD Position available! Our lab Institut Botànic de Barcelona is recruiting a PhD student to work on Butterfly Migration Genomics 🦋🌍 📝Apply by: 15th September 2024 🔬Lab: phylomigrationlab.com ℹ️More details: ibb.csic.es/en/2024/08/phd…

Here we unveil 33 global priorities for plant collecting where current evidence suggests there will be most scientific discoveries. #biodiversity #conservation Kew Science Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre Naturvetenskap/GU Open Access at doi.org/10.1111/nph.20…

Bentham-Moxon Trust B.A. Krukoff Fellowship bursary in Tropical African Botanical Systematics for MSc in Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation Kew Science forms.microsoft.com/pages/response…