Andy Simpson
ID: 494129594
16-02-2012 15:15:42
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Record Politics Sarwar is a compulsive liar and we now know that lying runs right through the Labour party and their media friends. No one will believe a word he says. Labour are working to the same process as Donald Trump, just lie and no one will care.Where is that £150 million, lies lies .

Scottish Labour What a shower of hypocritical liars . At least the tories didn't really care that they were chancers Labour try and take the high ground . Raynor described the tories as "scum" I'm sorry but that now describes Labour.x.com/ScotNational/s…

David Wallace Lockhart Not so gloomy for him and Sarwar . Will the BBC cover this or circle the wagons again to protect Sarwar. x.com/ScotNational/s…

BBC Scotland News What a disgusting character Alexander is . What possessed people to vote for this mob they are worse than the tories. Alexander just expects cash and hospitality to be handed to him as the norm.

Record Politics They would not have declared this . They are a pair of chancers and both of them need to resign immediately.The stench of corruption at that Labour party conference must be overpowering.

Brian Leishman Well, well, well. The plot thickens. Your party and leader are up to your necks in this . dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…

Record Politics It's getting worse . No point asking Starmer to help Grangemouth he is in Ratcliffe's pocket. This stinks. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…

Record Politics And you can bet Marr and the rest of the media house Jocks were singing along to this . x.com/msm_monitor/st…

Record Politics Every day this gets worse . This mob are filling their pockets while emptying the pockets of the vulnerable. What a vile nasty party Labour are.

The Scottish Sun Of course what that house Jock Andrew Marr was not aware of was that it was actually the Labour party that introduced the legislation for Gaelic signage. He was so blinded by his hatred of Scotland that he didn't bother to check.

Andrew Marr LBC Ghadir Hamadi Mark Urban Dr Zubir Ahmed MP Paul Farmer Aggie Chambre Mick Mulvaney Mary Long-Dhonau OBE Global Player Well what a complete fool to make of yourself. You certainly are a typical house jock . Did you not think to check or were you so blinded by your hatred for Scotland. It was Labour who introduced legislation for this signage not the SNP. thescottishsun.co.uk/news/13595064/…

Record Politics I’m sure the government can not influence operations of the police

Sharon Graham The Labour Party You bankroll the Labour party and support them completely and it is the Labour govt in England that has powers over this. However your leader is having his pockets lined by Ratcliffe . dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…

Brian Leishman What's the point ? Your grubby nasty party has had it's pockets lined and been entertained there is no way they are going against Ratcliffe now, Starmer is in his pocket and his wallet. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…

Record Politics The Record is in meltdown at the moment trying to deflect from a corrupt rotten Labour party. The photograph they have used was not taken in Scotland .It is a stock photo taken in an English city. And being homeless does not mean sleeping on the street.

Record Politics So typical of this rotten vile labour party. They set your house on fire cut the phone lines and turn off the water and then blame you for not putting the fire out.