Teresa Trenkwalder (@t_trenkwalder) 's Twitter Profile
Teresa Trenkwalder


ID: 2983850357

calendar_today18-01-2015 09:42:10

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84 Takip Edilen

Niek Verweij (@niek_verweij) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This was easily the most exciting and fun project I worked on. Many thanks to everyone. @profpim @UKbiobank,UMCG Cardiology Research Institute, Alexander Teumer @teresiella Cell-Systems, @ the reviewers (it was @ericfauman approved!!) and many others that I forget or are not on twitter.

Claudia Trenkwalder (@ctrenkwalder1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Get ready for tomorrow- curious who will get the Awards? Join us at the opening and be the one to spread the news in your department! 🤗

Dr. Purvi Parwani (@purviparwani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New article in JASE on trans-illumination + transparency tool Improving the diagnostic and clinical utility of 3D #Echofirst 📌 Case on top ischemic MR A2-P2 malcoaptation 📌 Case on the bottom showing mitraclip in A2- P2 region

Herzmedizin.de (@herzmedizin_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Die #CRISPR -Genschere könnte die Behandlung von Erberkrankungen revolutionieren. Nun macht eine Studie Hoffnung, dass eine dadurch entwickelte in vivo-Gentherapie Patienten mit ATTR-Amyloidosen tatsächlich helfen könnte. ow.ly/hdU150FNTm3

Deutsche Herzstiftung (@herzstiftung) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Herzinfarkt vor 35? Ohne mich! #Vroni-Studie soll in #Bayern Risikopersonen für lebensbedrohliche Erbkrankheit #FamiliäreHypercholesterinämie identifizieren helfen: bit.ly/3BBfosZ DigiMed Bayern BARMER Bayern AOK Bayern Merkur.de BR24 SZ Bayern

#Herzinfarkt vor 35? Ohne mich! #Vroni-Studie soll in #Bayern Risikopersonen für lebensbedrohliche Erbkrankheit #FamiliäreHypercholesterinämie identifizieren helfen: bit.ly/3BBfosZ <a href="/DigiMedBayern/">DigiMed Bayern</a> <a href="/BARMER_BY/">BARMER Bayern</a> <a href="/AOKBayern/">AOK Bayern</a> <a href="/merkur_de/">Merkur.de</a> <a href="/BR24/">BR24</a> <a href="/SZ_Bayern/">SZ Bayern</a>
JACC Journals (@jaccjournals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unsupervised agglomerative clustering of echocardiographic & hemodynamic data enables novel subphenotyping of patients w/ severe aortic stenosis by incorporating LV dysfunction, pulmonary #hypertension & right #heartfailure. bit.ly/3oPGKZj #JACCINT #vhdAS #LVEF #TAVR

Unsupervised agglomerative clustering of echocardiographic &amp; hemodynamic data enables novel subphenotyping of patients w/ severe aortic stenosis by incorporating LV dysfunction, pulmonary #hypertension &amp; right #heartfailure. bit.ly/3oPGKZj

Lucy (@lucysafi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hot off the press! Recommended Standards for the Performance of Transesophageal Echocardiographic Screening for Structural Heart Intervention! Thank you for the amazing opportunity to be part of this writing committee, congrats to all the co-authors! bit.ly/3olA82V

Hot off the press! Recommended Standards for the Performance of Transesophageal Echocardiographic Screening for Structural Heart Intervention! Thank you for the amazing opportunity to be part of this writing committee, congrats to all the co-authors!

JACC Journals (@jaccjournals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What risk assessment tools are available to #CardioTwitter clinicians for those undergoing tricuspid valve repair or replacement? Mickey Brener MD MS and colleagues explore the significance of RV-PA coupling in this setting. bit.ly/3Gjt9hL #JACC #TTVR #vhdTR RTHahnMD

What risk assessment tools are available to #CardioTwitter clinicians for those undergoing tricuspid valve repair or replacement?

<a href="/BrenerMickey/">Mickey Brener MD MS</a> and colleagues explore the significance of RV-PA coupling in this setting. bit.ly/3Gjt9hL

#JACC #TTVR #vhdTR <a href="/hahn_rt/">RTHahnMD</a>
Jeanette Erdmann (@jeanetteerdmann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wonderful collaborative work with an awesome interdisciplinary team of human geneticists, clinicians, zebrafish experts, & statisticians. Universität Lübeck Cardiogenetics Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein Elucidation of the genetic causes of bicuspid aortic valve disease academic.oup.com/cardiovascres/…

DZHK Germany (@dzhk_germany) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DZHK Paper of the month Jan 2023: Read in Nature Cardiovascular Research why the pharmacological stimulation💊🛠️of the soluble guanylyl cyclase might be a therapeutic strategy for coronary artery disease🩸🫀. Congrats to @thokessl and team 👏🎉 go.nature.com/3Hq4D1b

Claudia Trenkwalder (@ctrenkwalder1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We need to start early with education of our daughters- the best investment in women in science! My daughter Teresa Trenkwalder went into cardiology research! I learned a lot!

Mark Lachmann (@marklachmann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔥Hot off the press🔥 Machine learning to stratify MV TEER patients into meaningful🫀phenotypes with regard to pathophysiology and prognosis. How to further improve survival in high-risk cluster 4 🤔? @t_trenkwalder jörg hausleiter Volker Rudolph Lukas Stolz academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/ad…