Teresa Trenkwalder
ID: 2983850357
18-01-2015 09:42:10
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This was easily the most exciting and fun project I worked on. Many thanks to everyone. @profpim @UKbiobank,UMCG Cardiology Research Institute, Alexander Teumer @teresiella Cell-Systems, @ the reviewers (it was @ericfauman approved!!) and many others that I forget or are not on twitter.

#Herzinfarkt vor 35? Ohne mich! #Vroni-Studie soll in #Bayern Risikopersonen für lebensbedrohliche Erbkrankheit #FamiliäreHypercholesterinämie identifizieren helfen: bit.ly/3BBfosZ DigiMed Bayern BARMER Bayern AOK Bayern Merkur.de BR24 SZ Bayern

Mean gradient outcomes post Mitral-TEER remain uncertain. See recent studies/Editorial: bit.ly/Koell_TEERMPG bit.ly/Yoon_TEERMPG bit.ly/MnGrad_Editori… JACC Journals American College of Cardiology European Society of Cardiology Benedikt Koell Daniel Kalbacher jeroen j bax jeffrey hausleiter

Wonderful collaborative work with an awesome interdisciplinary team of human geneticists, clinicians, zebrafish experts, & statisticians. Universität Lübeck Cardiogenetics Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein Elucidation of the genetic causes of bicuspid aortic valve disease academic.oup.com/cardiovascres/…

Interested in why colchicine is beneficial in patients with ASCVD? Find out about colchicine’s exact way of action: journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.338… @thokessl Young-DZHK DZHK Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung European Research Council (ERC) DFG public | @[email protected] TU München AG4 - Vaskuläre Biologie Stifterverband Matthias Nahrendorf

Update zur Herzinsuffizienz: Medikamentöse bis hin zur interventionellen Therapie #greatteamapproach @teresiella Sebastian Kufner @thokessl Felix Bourier Ricarda Kränzle

Herzliche Gratulation an Claudia Trenkwalder für den @dgn_ev Preis für besondere Verdienste um die deutsche Neurologie bei der #neurowoche2022

DZHK Paper of the month Jan 2023: Read in Nature Cardiovascular Research why the pharmacological stimulation💊🛠️of the soluble guanylyl cyclase might be a therapeutic strategy for coronary artery disease🩸🫀. Congrats to @thokessl and team 👏🎉 go.nature.com/3Hq4D1b

We need to start early with education of our daughters- the best investment in women in science! My daughter Teresa Trenkwalder went into cardiology research! I learned a lot!

🔥Hot off the press🔥 Machine learning to stratify MV TEER patients into meaningful🫀phenotypes with regard to pathophysiology and prognosis. How to further improve survival in high-risk cluster 4 🤔? @t_trenkwalder jörg hausleiter Volker Rudolph Lukas Stolz academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/ad…