Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research brings together a global network of leading, interdisciplinary researchers studying taxation.
Part of @UniNMBU.
ID: 1675824695751458817 03-07-2023 11:13:18
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Peter Ringstad
Seniorrådgiver i Norad, seksjon for styresett og åpenhet. Jobber med Skatt for Utvikling. Tidligere @taxjusticenorgeVoxEU
VoxEU is a policy portal run by @cepr_org. It posts research based policy analysis from leading economists. Visit our development economics branch @vox_devJan Christian Vestre
Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet (NFD) utformar ein framtidsretta nærings- og sjømatpolitikk.Julie Kristine Wood
Skatt/ulikhet, bøker, og litt fjas. Analytiker i Skatteetaten. Tidligere @taxjusticenorge Er her på vegne av meg selv.Juliana Londoño-Vélez
Assistant Professor of Economics @UCLADina D. Pomeranz 🟣
Econ prof @econ_uzh, formerly @HarvardHBS. Board @EvidenceAction, @HelvetasCH, IIPF. Co-founder @gain_network_. Affiliate @JPAL, @cepr_org, @CESifoNetwork.Erik de la Reguera
Paris correspondent, @DagensNyheter. Author of non-fiction books. 🦣… 📮 [email protected]Handelshøyskolen
Handelshøyskolen er NMBUs fagmiljø i bedriftsøkonomi, samfunnsøkonomi, ledelse, entreprenørskap og innovasjon og filosofi og vitenskapsteori.Daniela Gabor
Professor of Economics/MacroFinance. Critical macrofinance, central banks, repos, shadow banking, WallStreetConsensus criticalfinance.orgKristoffer Berg
Research Fellow @OxfordTax & Corpus Christi. Associated Researcher @UniOslo. Theory + data to study taxes on workers, shareholders, firms & wealth.Hector Ulloa
💸 - Outreach Director, @Skatteforsk 🇺🇳 - Executive Committee, @EduCannotWait 📚 - Board Member, @SaihHannah Brenton
Senior UK finance reporter @POLITICOEurope covering banks, insurance, capital markets. Previously in Brussels. Email me: [email protected]Simon Vinge
Chefsekonom på @akademssr, skolad av @handels_sse. Utan att organisera, reglera, beskatta, ingen frihet. Det gäller även algoritmerna.Silvia Ayuso
Corresponsal en Bruselas para El País. Aventuras (y coberturas) previas en París, Washington, Cuba, Sudamérica y otras esquinas del mundoEkpen J Omonbude
Observer mostly, analyst rest of the time. Economics, sport, politics.ForUM
Forum for utvikling og miljø (ForUM) er et nettverk for rundt 60 miljø-, utviklings- menneskerettighets- og fredsorganisasjoner.Alex Cobham
Chief exec @taxjusticenet. Opinions mine. #Palma inequality. New book: What do we know and what should we do about tax justice?William Horobin
Economics reporter for Bloomberg. All views are my own.Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik
Deputy Foreign Minister 🇳🇴. Public international lawyer, hockey and football enthusiast.Tax Notes
Your #1 source for everything tax. News, commentary, analysis. Nonpartisan nonprofit. #LetsTalkTax & #TaxTwitter | Follow our journalists: Buell
Deputy Managing Editor, MLex in Brussels. Fan of Red Sox, Eintracht Frankfurt. From Maine but also at home in Brussels, Ostend, and Frankfurt.Eivind Bjørkås
Matt Collin
Development economist working on illicit finance @taxobservatory | DJ snob | NRF @BrookingsGlobal & @CGDev | @annickycookie 's partner | Broadcast onlyHilde C. Bjørnland
Professor of Economics at BI Norwegian Business SchoolBjarke Smith-Meyer
@POLITICOEurope Senior Finance Correspondent. Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush. Email: [email protected] RT not endorsement.EU Tax & Customs 🇪🇺
We are the @EU_Commission department for Taxation and Customs Union. See also @PaoloGentiloni RT ≠ endorsement #FairTaxation #CustomsUnionUNDP Global Policy Centre for Governance
(Oslo Governance Centre) Advancing knowledge, data and insight on frontier #governance issuesParis School of Economics Research
Stay informed of the scientific work and research activity within PSE. Main account: @PSEinfoSimen markussen
Seniorforsker, FrischsenteretAnne Brockmeyer
Economist, Global Lead for Tax Data Analytics @worldbank, Hon. Associate Prof @EconUCL, @UKRI_News Future Leaders Fellow, @CEPR affiliate, @TheIFS affiliateLucas Chancel
Prof. @SciencesPo • Co-Directeur | Co-Director @WIL_inequality @PSEinfoRasmus Corlin Christensen
Political economist, @CBScph | International tax, green accounting, professionals and expertiseOECD Tax
Latest tax news & data from the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration. 📰 Sign up for our weekly newsletter (link in bio)—sent every Thursday! #OECDtaxParis School of Economics
The Paris School of Economics is a leading research center in Economics. Related account: @PSEresearchIcrict
Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT). Chaired by @JosephEStiglitz and @Jayati1609Thomas Piketty
Compte officiel de Thomas Piketty, professeur @EHESS_fr & @PSEinfo, co-directeur,, chroniqueur @lemondefr, Almunia
Economist with an interest in public policy, especially taxation.KÅKÅ|nomics
KÅKÅ|nomics – Nordens største og morsomste økonomifestival, 26.-29. oktober 2022! KÅKÅ|nomics arrangeres av stiftelsen KÅKÅ kverulantkatedralen. @KAKAkverulantNadine Riedel
Johannes Scheuerer
Postdoctoral Researcher @skatteforsk @UniNMBU. Formerly @EconomicsUCD and @kieluni. Studying globalisation, workers, firms and international taxation.Evgeniya Dubinina
Economist, Researcher, PhD Candidate. Public, International and Development Economics, Taxation, International Corporate Tax Avoidance.Souleymane Faye
Economics @pseinfo @ens_ulm, Research assistant @taxobservatory, Responsable du pôle taxation et inégalités @oeconomicus_fr.Jeanne Bomare
PhD Candidate at @PSEinfo | Research Fellow @taxobservatory | Tax evasion, offshore real estate and public policyManal Corwin
Director of @OECDtax - Centre for Tax Policy and Administration. Views are my own.Pierre Bachas
Assistant Prof @essec B-School (on leave from @wb_research) & economist @taxobservatory. Research on public finance, development & financial inclusion.Dr. Isabel Z. Martínez #🟦
Economista. Income & wealth #inequality #research @KOFETH @ETH| Affiliated @cepr_org @CESifoNetwork @WIL_inequality @HSGStGallenMary McDougall
Bonds and currencies reporter @FinancialTimes | [email protected] | DMs openNora Strecker
Assistant Prof and Ad Astra Fellow working on taxation, inequality, international econ @EconomicsUCD. 🇩🇪🇨🇭Benjamin Angel
Director for direct taxation, tax coordination, economic analysis and evaluation. European Commission. Views are my own.