Dr Alan Platt (@sim2ap) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Alan Platt


Associate Professor of Simulation-based Education and Head of Clinical Simulation for Nursing, Midwifery and Health at Northumbria University. Views are my own.

ID: 201833485

calendar_today12-10-2010 18:35:08

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1,1K Following

Dr Alan Platt (@sim2ap) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fantastic discussions at our collaborative workshop entitled The Road to Quality Simulation with Dr Desiree Diaz & Dr Laura Gonzalez from INACSL & the SESAM Nursing Community of Practice at ##SESAM2024 Pedro Cartaxo Cintra Rachel Hediger and Cátia Botelho & Hanne Selberg

Fantastic discussions at our collaborative workshop entitled The Road to Quality Simulation with Dr Desiree Diaz  &amp; Dr Laura Gonzalez from <a href="/INACSL/">INACSL</a> &amp; the  <a href="/SESAMSimulation/">SESAM</a> Nursing Community of Practice at ##SESAM2024 <a href="/CartaxoCintra/">Pedro Cartaxo Cintra</a> <a href="/_eremha_/">Rachel Hediger</a>  and Cátia Botelho &amp; Hanne Selberg
Daniel Stach (@danielstach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Keynote speech at #SESAM2024: Experience science! Everyone can understand. How to explain complicated topics to everyone can understand? Great audience at conference of SESAM👍 Thank you your trust to give me the chance to be the keynote speaker 👍Science @ MED MUNI

Gabriel Reedy (he/him) (@gabereedy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An amazing tenure as leader of a fantastic SESAM Executive Committee! Thank you Francisco Maio Matos for your leadership as SESAM president over the last two years #sesam2024

An amazing tenure as leader of a fantastic SESAM Executive Committee! Thank you <a href="/franciscomatos/">Francisco Maio Matos</a> for your leadership as SESAM president over the last two years #sesam2024
Eduardo Alcaraz, MD PhD (@edusqo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#SESAM2025, the 30th SESAM conference will be held in Valencia, Spain 🇪🇦!!! #MedEd, #PatientSafety, #SBME and much more 😄, right SESSEP España? Bye, bye #SESAM2024! Thx for the pic Gabriel Reedy (he/him) 🙌🏾

#SESAM2025, the 30th <a href="/SESAMSimulation/">SESAM</a> conference will be held in Valencia, Spain 🇪🇦!!!
#MedEd, #PatientSafety, #SBME and much more 😄, right <a href="/Sessep_Esp/">SESSEP España</a>?
Bye, bye #SESAM2024!
Thx for the pic <a href="/gabereedy/">Gabriel Reedy (he/him)</a> 🙌🏾
David Grant (@davidgrantsim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you for the hard work you and scientific committee do to create engaging scientific programs. The growth of SESAM is directly proportional to the academic leadership by you Cris Diaz-Navarro Carla Sa Couto and Gabriel Reedy (he/him) ! I am so proud to be a member of this community

Serena Ricci (@serenaricci20) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#SESAM2024 meant a lot to me this year, I was part of the #ScientificCommittee, I serve as #chair of the #Technology and #Innovation #CommunityOfPractice, but I also presented some of our #researchWork carried out at #jets! #healtchareSimulation

#SESAM2024 meant a lot to me this year, I was part of the #ScientificCommittee, I serve as #chair of the #Technology and #Innovation #CommunityOfPractice, but I also presented some of our #researchWork carried out at #jets! #healtchareSimulation
AdvancesinSimulation (@advinsimulation) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In time for #SESAM2024, journal metrics news for Advances in Simulation * 2023 article accesses - 408,258 * CiteScore - 5.7 * Our first Impact Factor released today - 2.8 Congratualations to SESAM, Gabriel Reedy (he/him), all our authors, Editorial Board members and reviewers!

ASPiH (@aspihuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You have until the 30th June to apply for our #simulationresearch grant awards. Three awards are available: 2 x £1500 grant, 1 x £2000 grant. Our priorities for these research grant awards are #Education #Transformation and #Technovation👇 aspih.org.uk/researchgranta…

You have until the 30th June to apply for our #simulationresearch grant awards. Three awards are available: 2 x £1500 grant, 1 x £2000 grant. Our priorities for these research grant awards are #Education #Transformation  and #Technovation👇 aspih.org.uk/researchgranta…
Northumbria Uni (@northumbriauni) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're delighted to launch our free activities schedule for teenagers this summer as part of the Department for Education's national HAF Plus programme. Read more about HAF Plus at Northumbria University and our partners: orlo.uk/LgUfI Find out more: orlo.uk/m28qE

We're delighted to launch our free activities schedule for teenagers this summer as part of the <a href="/educationgovuk/">Department for Education</a>'s national HAF Plus programme. Read more about HAF Plus at Northumbria University and our partners: orlo.uk/LgUfI

Find out more: orlo.uk/m28qE
OTDT Professional Development Team (@otdtprofdev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📯Exciting news for #NHSBT and the OTDT Professional Development Team team! 💕Thanks to the always collaborative approach from our Regional Organ Donation Teams 👩‍🏫 we are ✨Thrilled ✨ to announce the news that we have been shortlisted in the #NTAwards Category: Sustainability in Nursing and Midwifery

📯Exciting news for #NHSBT and the <a href="/OTDTProfDev/">OTDT Professional Development Team</a> team! 💕Thanks to the always collaborative approach from our Regional Organ Donation Teams 👩‍🏫 we are ✨Thrilled ✨ to announce the news that we have been shortlisted in the #NTAwards Category: Sustainability in Nursing and Midwifery
ASPiH (@aspihuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Abstract notifications for #ASPIH24 have now been sent to all submitters - please check your inbox! Thanks once again to everyone who submitted this year & to our Committee for reviewing a record number of submissions - see you in Edinburgh! #ASPiHconference #Simulationconference

OTDT Professional Development Team (@otdtprofdev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Huge congratulations to FP2&3 on the completion of SNODSIM 2024, it was a pleasure to spend the last three days learning with you, you gave it your all! 🙌 As ever, a fantastic learning environment created and managed by Northumbria Uni many thanks to Dominic Simpson 💙 and team!

Huge congratulations to FP2&amp;3 on the completion of SNODSIM 2024, it was a pleasure to spend the last three days learning with you, you gave it your all! 🙌 As ever, a fantastic learning environment created and managed by <a href="/NorthumbriaUni/">Northumbria Uni</a> many thanks to <a href="/NurseDomSimpson/">Dominic Simpson 💙</a> and team!