Sébastien Farcis
Chef adjoint du service Idées de Libération.
Ex-Correspondant de Radio France Internationale @RFI et Libération @libe en Inde et Asie du Sud.
ID: 170899426
http://unoeilsurlinde.blogspot.in 26-07-2010 02:03:18
6,6K Tweet
1,1K Following

Pratik Sinha
Debunking Misinformation | Co-founder and Editor @AltNews | Software Engineer | E-mail: [email protected] | Insta: f_reethinker
Diana Buttu
Free Palestine
Sriram Karri
Resident Editor: Deccan Chronicle. Words: New York Times, BBC, Guardian, HuffPost, ET. Books: Autobiography of a Mad Nation, The Spiritual Supermarket.
Saket Gokhale MP
Member of Parliament - Rajya Sabha | 2nd youngest MP in RS | National Spokesperson - All India Trinamool Congress (TMC)
Jean Quatremer
Même si je suis correspondant européen de Libération, chroniqueur de « La faute à l’Europe », « 24h Pujadas » et 28’, mes tweets n'engagent que moi tout seul !
Namrata Joshi
Journalist-film critic, words all over; Author, Reel India: Cinema off the Beaten Track; Fledgling programmer @IFFLA; Consulting Editor @XpressCinema
Journalist. Truth-seeker. Unapologetic. Andhra/Telangana ప్రశ్నిద్దాం-పోరాడుదాం
Siddharth Agarwal
Walking across India / Story Collector / Print maker 📸 / Nurturing @veditum + @moving_upstream + @indiasandwatch / Co-steering @indiariverforum / @iitkgp alum
Rajdeep Sardesai
Citizen first. Blessed. Only 'ism' is humanism. newsman,tv anchor, author, columnist, father, friend. In search of a better world. Zero tolerance for hate/abuse
Dhanya Rajendran
Editor-in-chief @thenewsminute. Chairperson @digipubindia. Chameli Devi Jain award winner. Red Ink journalist of the year. ([email protected])
Anna MM Vetticad
Author: The Adventures of an Intrepid Film Critic, Journalist, World's most committed feminist :) Instagram: annammvetticad FB: AnnaMMVetticadOfficial (She/Her)
Ashok Swain
Professor of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden @UU_Peace Account was hacked from 27-02-2024 to 31-07-2024.
Maeed Zahir
Chief Commissioner @ScoutsMaldives | Advocacy Director @ecocare_mv | Working on Climate Resilience and Youth Development in #Maldives | #DhivehiMeehaa
Willy Le Devin
Reportage/enquête @libe
Arti Singh
Journalist covering fintech. Founder and Editor @theheadandtale Ex- Mint, Morning Context, ET Prime, Vccircle, Firstpost. Foodie!
Christelle Méral
Journaliste #Politique @FranceTele @infofrance2 @infofrance3 @franceinfo
Alexis Lévrier
Historien de la presse et des médias. MCF Université de Reims, Crimel/Gripic.
Jean-François Achilli
Journaliste corse & libre
Advocate practising in Delhi. Co-founder & former ED (2018-24) @internetfreedom Fellow @Ashoka. WhatsApp : bit.ly/4er32Hp
Professor Nitasha Kaul, PhD
Prof (Chair) Politics, IR, & Critical Interdisciplinary Studies, novelist, writer, poet, traveller, dreamer, economist, artist. Full CV at bit.ly/3ImCjOr
Rushdi Abualouf
Senior Palestinian journalist, Gaza correspondent, work for the BBC for the last 22 years, what is written here represents my own views
Abhishek Singhvi
3rd term ex MP; ex Chair, Parl Standing Comms Law; Home & Commerce; ex ASG; Jurist; member INC’s CWC; Sr Natl Spokesperson; Const Expert; Author; media face;
Ahmed Fizal
RICS & @iemanet cert. Environmental Consultant|@Cheveningfcdo🇲🇻🇬🇧Alumnus|🎓MSc EIA & Management @officialUOM | President @MarineJournalMV| MD at FIZENCO
Press Trust of India
India’s largest and most trusted news agency since 1949.
Journalist, @Reuters. #Maldives Correspondent, @RSF_inter. disclaimify.com [email protected]
Bassem Youssef
political satirist,vegan,documentary :tickling Giants,book: revolution for dummies instagram: instagram.com/bassemyoussef/ official facebook below
Rohini Singh
Journalist. Politics & Policy. Views personal
Rana Ayyub
Journalist. Opinions at @Washingtonpost . Words in The New Yorker, TIME, NYT, Guardian, Atlantic, FP. Author of Gujarat Files. Pritzker Fellow 22
'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has' - Margaret Mead
Deepanshu Mohan
Professor & Dean, @JindalGlobalUNI, Director, @_CNES_ Visiting Professor at LSE; Birkbeck College-SOAS; Univ. of Ottawa. Author: Strongmen Saviours
Mohammed salim Khan Street Photographer,
#Nansen Award winner Asia and Pacific 2023# Professional Photographer/ journalist/ Fixer, Fire 🔥 fighter trainer in all #Rohingya refugee camp,
Edward Luce
Associate Editor, Financial Times, US-based writer/columnist. Author The Retreat of Western Liberalism, In Spite of the Gods, Time to Start Thinking. My views.
Mahua Moitra
All India Trinamool Congress Member of Parliament Lok Sabha (Krishnanagar) This is my ONLY official account
With a survival rate of 80% across 60,000 transplanted corals (2005-09), the project has transformed previously empty reefs into thriving marine ecosystems.
Alexandra Bensaid
Journaliste à @franceinter. #Narretepasleco, plus de 2,7 millions d'auditeurs, le samedi à 9h10. "On n'arrête pas l'éco", en coédition France Inter-Le Seuil.
Clovis Daguerre
Militant écolo 🌻🏳️🌈 unioniste @vertesunitaires 🤝 contre Bolloré @Bollorout 📺 ancien secrétaire national des @jeunes_ecolos 🌍 Collab’ de @sandraregol 🏛️
Ibrahim Maahil Mohamed
Person at @sosalmv. Ex-@sunbrk. Journalism Award Winner🇲🇻 (2016). BA PoliSci&IR @MNUedu ('21-'23). Krogerup Højskole 🇩🇰 ('17), @slcj_lk 🇱🇰('15-‘16)
Ayush Tiwari
Reporter @scroll_in. Democracy beat. Previously @newslaundry. Email: [email protected], [email protected].
German Embassy India
Official twitter account German Embassy to India and Bhutan. Ambassador @AmbAckermann. Retweets are not endorsements. No Visa queries.
Ravi Nair
@OCCRP | Author / thewire.in/author/rnair | newsclick.in/author/Ravi%20… | frontline.thehindu.com/profile/author…
RJ IArtist| Humanist| Zindagi ka ek tukda tum laao, ek main laati hu’| Haan! Purani Jeans host| Eternal Optimist| Views r personal| RT isn’t endorsement
NITI Aayog
NITI Aayog is the premier policy think tank of the Government of India, providing directional and policy inputs.
Live Law
Media/News Fastest Legal News Reporter #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtOfIndia Subscribe livelaw.in/pricing
Isobel Yeung
“Impossibly hip with interesting hair”
Adrien Franque
Journaliste médias à @libe. Contact : [email protected]
Swara Bhasker
New Mom, sick of the hate & bigotry that is normalised in world, nicer & more patriotic than social media would have you believe 😬🤷🏽♀️ Free Palestine ! 🇵🇸
Nayanima Basu
Diplomacy & Defence Editor @abplive (@ABPNews); Author of ‘The Fall of Kabul: Despatches From Chaos’ @BloomsburyIndia
Anand Sankar
Social Entrepreneur | Founder @tonsvalleyshop @TonsTrails @KalapTrust
Kunal Kamra
why are we even
Prashant Bhushan
Public Interest Lawyer and Activist; Do and say what is just fair and in public interest, regardless of immediate fallout
Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy
Associate Fellow - @orfonline. Foreign Policy: India and South Asia; 🇧🇹, 🇱🇰, 🇲🇻 MSc @LSEIRDept grad. Former - @TheStatesmanLtd @SaarcSec @HCI_London.
Jairam Ramesh
Member of Parliament| General Secretary in-charge Communications, Indian National Congress| Unapologetic Nehruvian
Sunita Viswanath
Cofounder @Hindus4HR, Abaad, @SadhanaHindus; @Amprog’s 21 “Faith Leaders to Watch” 2021; Obama White House “Champion of Change” 2011. [email protected]
Aakar Patel
Shyam Meera Singh
Alishan Jafri
Film-making| Journalism| Work: Wire, PBS, Codastory, ABC, Al Jazeera, Quint, Article 14.
Hind Khoudary
A Palestinian Journalist based in the Gaza Strip. I tweet what I see & feel. Reach me at: [email protected]
Prannoy Roy is back making sense of elections and the world. Simply
Jagdeep Chhokar
Retweets not necessarily endorsements
Political Scientist, PhD ▪︎ Global Tech Policy x BigTech Geopolitics @EHESS_fr @sciencespo | Essayist #Technopolitique @EditionsduSeuil | Columnist @LesEchos
Dhruv Rathee
YouTuber: 20 million+ subs⚡️TIME Magazine’s Next Generation Leaders 2023 • Traveller • Vegetarian • Be the change you want to see
Frédéric Sawicki
Professeur de science politique à Paris 1-Chercheur au CESSP-CNRS-Membre du Bureau de l'AFSP et de la rédaction de Politix
Advocacy and support organization for women & LGBTQI journos. Women Press Freedom reports on press freedom violations in 145 countries. Press Queries: website
Sadia Rahman
Storyteller @UNDP_BD 🇧🇩 Formerly @nrc_norway 🇧🇩 Communication professional || B O H E M I A N || Gender activist
Karl Rock
Helping you travel India, stay safe online, and fight scammers #nahichahiyeji 📺YouTuber 🇮🇳 All states & UTs visited + 🇵🇰🇧🇩
DrBimala Rai Paudyal
Member, National Assembly, Federal Parliament of Nepal Former Minister, Foreign Affairs, Government of Nepal
Anurag Chaturvedi
JNU (social system ) journalist, Editor and writer हवाओं की दस्तक -Dreaming with Mahi. पृथ्वी गंधमयी तुम.
Mohammed Zubair
Fact-Checker, Co-founder @AltNews | Analysing misinfo/disinfo across India | E-mail: [email protected] | insta : instagram.com/zoo_bear_
Zia Hero
Rohingya Refugee, Photographer, Founder and Editor of @RohingyaMakzin . Prince Claus Seed Award 2023, UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award Regional Winner
B Basnyat
Keen in Geopolitics & Strategic Thinking. Graduate Royal Military Academy Sandhurst UK, Command & General Staff College USA & National Defense College India