Precision Vaccines Program
We are an #international network of #academia, #government & #industry bringing #PrecisionMedicine to #vaccinology.
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Congrats to PVP members Drs Amy Sherman, Simon van Haren, Ofer Levy, Lindsey Baden, Sanya Thomas, Kevin Ryff for their publication in Science Direct! They observed COVID19 booster vaccines on patients with hematologic malignancies. More information here: sciencedirect.com/science/articlā¦

Great news! A Precision Vaccines Program team led by Drs Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD & Dr. David J. Dowling, Ph.D. identified PVP-037, a novel small molecule #adjuvant that may enhance immunogenicity of vaccines for various diseases, including allergy, oncology, and opioid #overdose. š #biotech science.org/doi/10.1126/scā¦

Check out this article! A Precision Vaccines Program team led by Drs Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD & Dr. David J. Dowling, Ph.D. identified PVP-037, a novel small molecule #adjuvant that may enhance immunogenicity of vaccines for various diseases, including allergy, oncology, and opioid #overdose. answers.childrenshospital.org/promising-vaccā¦

Precise communications & stakeholder engagement key to acceptability of a fentanyl vaccine to prevent overdose per new study by Dr Elissa Weitzman & Addiction Medicine team (Sharon Levy & Sydney Pierce) & PVP (Asimenia Angelidou Dr. David J. Dowling, Ph.D. Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD) shorturl.at/B3n7T

Precision Vaccines Program is proud of PVP Research Assistant Pooja Lalwani on the publication of her article regarding the effects of #climatechange on East African countries and suggest ways to prepare for #naturaldisasters to save lives of impacted populations. shorturl.at/u7KEt

š£Deadline is next month for Vaccine Special Issue: "Vaccines for the vulnerable." Submit by August 30th! Coeditors include our very own Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD, Dr. Asimenia Angelidou Amy Sherman and our collaborators at Bambino GesĆ¹ Donato Amodio. More details here: sciencedirect.com/journal/vaccinā¦

Precision Vaccines Program Director Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD of Boston Children's is quoted in the journal nature! He highlights human in vitro models as alternatives to animal models in preclinical research: nature.com/articles/d4158ā¦ #biotech

Published now in Science Translational Medicine! Precision Vaccines Program researchers @Biotech_Byron, Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD, & Dr. David J. Dowling, Ph.D. along with Romain Micol at Combined Therapeutics discover a novel adjuvant system called IL-12 MOP and highlight its importance in #mRNA vaccine technology. science.org/doi/10.1126/scā¦

Precision Vaccines Program is honored to have met Dr Mark Levine, Health Commissioner of the state of Vermont! š² Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD

Adding mRNA that encodes immune protein IL-12 to an mRNA #COVID19 vaccine raised vaccine immune responses in aged mice to levels akin to those in younger mice, #NIAID-funded researchers report. Learn more: science.org/doi/10.1126/scā¦ #NIH #science #research #immunology Science Translational Medicine

Congrats to Drs. David Martino and Nikki Schultz of the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre at @Telethonkids for publishing in Clinical Epigenetics! This article focuses on establishing a foundation for precision endotyping of infection allergy/asthma prone children. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/Pā¦

š£Deadline is this month for Vaccine Special Issue: "Vaccines for the vulnerable." Submit by August 30th! Coeditors include our very own Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD, Dr. Asimenia Angelidou Amy Sherman and our collaborators at Bambino GesĆ¹ Donato Amodio. More details here: sciencedirect.com/journal/vaccinā¦

Today is National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day. Precision Vaccines Program Director Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD and Dr. David J. Dowling, Ph.D. are working with the NIH on developing a vaccine against opioid overdose. #FacingFentanyl #EducateActPrevent ow.ly/xp3J50T2j5k ow.ly/x5pK50T2j5j

š£Deadline is this week for Vaccine Special Issue: "Vaccines for the vulnerable." Submit by August 30th! Coeditors include our very own Dr. Ofer Levy, MD PhD, Dr. Asimenia Angelidou Amy Sherman and our collaborators at Bambino GesĆ¹ Donato Amodio. More details here: sciencedirect.com/journal/vaccinā¦

Out now in Science Translational Medicine! Dr Kinga Smolen and team explored AS01-adjuvanted #vaccines and monocyte change in adults. Read the full article here: science.org/doi/10.1126/scā¦