Gemma Parry-Williams
BHF Research Fellow, endurance athlete’s heart. Trainee Ayurvedic Consultant. Diet, exercise & well-being for disease prevention. Moderator. Nature nomad.
ID: 1460948210
27-05-2013 00:34:18
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We hope our paper on #Exercise in the #COVID19 era provides reassurance, promotes safe participation to exercise & offers physicians caring for #Athletes a management framework St George's, University of London Dr Saran K Marwaha Prof Aneil Malhotra Dr. Antonio Pelliccia Luis Serratosa Prof Michael Papadakis Sanjay Sharma

Clinically relevant aortic dilatation (≥40 mm) is common (21%) among aging endurance athletes (50-75 y) raising the possibility of vascular remodeling in response to long-term exercise Sanjay Sharma Prof Aneil Malhotra Dominik Linz Lluís Mont Sergio Pinski John Mandrola, MD #JAMACardiol

Could everyone please share my new online shop details to help raise funds for CRY ? cry-for-matthew.myshopwired.co.uk Michelle Beswick Lyn Evans Designs Dr Steven Cox Gemma Parry-Williams Christina Trevanion NSBRC Gareth Nicholas Phil Clarissa Youden Sedge Beswick Jim Hawkins (he/him) 🧡 Thank You

Metanalysis: Physical activity at guideline recommended levels (450 MET-minutes per week) and above are associated with a significantly lower AF risk (HR 0.94). However, at 2000 MET-minutes per week and beyond, the benefit is less clear Sanjay Sharma Luigi Di Biase #HeartRhythm

My infographic on the Gems of Dr Radha 5 'C' to #mentalhealth and #emotional #wellbeing. Let's have a regular routine in these testing times of #Covid19UK. CRY Royal Brompton and Harefield Vass Vassiliou Silvia Castelletti Dr. Martha Gulati ♥️🫀❤️🩹🇨🇦 Prof Aneil Malhotra Prof Michael Papadakis BBC News (UK)

So proud of our review of the latest data on a hot topic, hot off the press! Sanjay Sharma Sabiha Gati The heart of the ageing endurance athlete: the role of chronic coronary stress academic.oup.com/eurheartj/adva… #masterathlete #sportscardiology European Society of Cardiology British Heart Foundation 🙏🏼

Thank you for the opportunity, support and encouragement Sanjay Sharma and British Heart Foundation CRY for funding my clinical research fellowship 🙏🏼

Out now, our review on the genetics and genomics risk for SCD! Such a privilege to have worked with Elijah Behr Connie Bezzina Michael J. Ackerman MD,PhD and everybody at Nature Reviews Cardiology 🙏

On the day of publication of The Midlife Cyclist - I want to thank some of the medical folk for their constant guidance. A ‘heartfelt’ thank you: Nigel Stephens @drdavehulse Gemma Parry-Williams JustinM Cornwall Cardiologist Direct - Dr Audrius Simaitis Graham A Ahmed Merghani, Alex Fugallo, Mr Tim Briggs

Very proud to have published an article with Sport, Exercise & Rehab Sciences, Dr Jamie O'Driscoll Jamie Edwards and other colleagues in British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM)! This is an amazing way to top off my academic experience at Canterbury Christ Church University and a fulfillment of a childhood dream: bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/…

Myocardial Perfusion Defects in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Mutation Carriers ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JA… great to see this out! congrats Rebecca Hughes, a pleasure to jointly senior-author this work with James moon, supported by a Barts Charity grant. Barts Health UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science