Imam of Peace (@imamofpeace) 's Twitter Profile
Imam of Peace


Peace advocate.

ID: 1583865109

calendar_today10-07-2013 19:25:28

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Imam of Peace (@imamofpeace) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is where ISIS held their Christian hostages. Mosul, Iraq. Now liberated, ISIS crushed. Soon the men of God will liberate Gaza from Hamas, Yemen from Houthi cavemen, Iran from Satan Junior (Khamenei), and Lebanon from Hezbollah. Say Amen.

This is where ISIS held their Christian hostages. 
Mosul, Iraq. Now liberated, ISIS crushed. 

Soon the men of God will liberate Gaza from Hamas, Yemen from Houthi cavemen, Iran from Satan Junior (Khamenei), and Lebanon from Hezbollah. 

Say Amen.