Professor of Sociology at @TelAvivUni
migration, public opinion, cross-national comparative sociology, politics of knowledge
politics of knowledge
ID: 1201160377515593728 01-12-2019 15:25:36
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Every peace treaty in history was based on compromise, not absolute justice. Justice is essential, but the pursuit of absolute justice can lead you to perpetuate conflict indefinitely, never reaching peace. Full Piers Morgan interview for Piers Morgan Uncensored:

Christian S. Czymara & Jeffrey Mitchell examine 1st-gen #immigrants’ trust in the #police in Europe from a comparative and #longitudinal perspective. Based on roughly 20,000 immigrants observed in 22 countries over 13 years in the European Social Survey…

📢 POSTDOC JOBS! Join me at the Political and Social Sciences at EUI European University Institute in Florence to work on my European Research Council (ERC)-funded project TARGETS. We study how discrimination is defined and experienced, and its impact on the job search of vulnerable groups, using experimental & longitudinal methods. Info below.