Glencliff Colts
Glencliff High School, Nashville, TN
ID: 55974685
http://www.mnps.org/Page18223.aspx 12-07-2009 00:44:03
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Following the guidance of Gov. Bill Lee, schools will remain closed until at least April 24 to help contain the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate the patience of students, families and staff and will continue to communicate as often as we can. More details: news.mnps.org/metro-schools-…

Las Escuelas Públicas Metropolitanas de Nashville Permanecerán Cerradas Hasta por lo Menos el 24 de Abril Ruben E. De Pena

Check out our Glencliff Colts Learning Challenges for this coming week! We hope all our students stay engaged in learning and exploring at home with these great (& quick) daily activities! Paper copies will be avail. at food pickup Metro Schools Academies of Nashville MNPS EL Office MNPS Secondary ELA

We are donating 600 N95 masks we found in cleaning buckets to healthcare workers through CRC Nashville!! The buckets and the rest of the supplies will be distributed to Metro Schools through @CommAchieves. #PENCIL4Schools #nashvillestrong

Please share this valuable resource for meals from No Kid Hungry Text "Food" to 877-877 to find food distribution sites near you. (En español, envía un mensaje texto "Comida" al 877-877 para encontrar sitios de comida para niños.) Thanks Tennessee Department of Human Services x.com/TNHumanService…

Favor de compartir este valioso recurso para comidas de parte de No Kid Hungry. Envía un mensaje de texto al 877-877 con la palabra "Comida"para encontrar sitios de comida para niños) Gracias, Tennessee Department of Human Services

New Glencliff Colts Challenges for this upcoming week! We encourage all of our students to keep learning and exploring using these resources while at home. Metro Schools Academies of Nashville MNPS EL Office MNPS Secondary ELA TN Treasury Dept. Duolingo The Escape Game Freerice

Exciting ways to keep learning at home for our Glencliff Colts this week! Paper copies available at food pickup! @npl Chess.com The New York Times NASA GLOBE Observer Metro Schools NPEF MNPS Secondary ELA MNPS EL Office

Our Glencliff Colts staff have worked to ensure that students have time to connect and engage with both teachers and peers each week! Excited for upcoming discussions, debates, and deep dives into content! Metro Schools MNPS Secondary ELA MNPS EL Office @MNPSFamilies Music City Math (MNPS)

New updates for #Classof2020 seniors on everything from tnAchieves action items to laptop return info to the friendly reminder your MNPS email will expire in July. Plus, a checklist for enrolling at Nashville State Community College. All of it on mnps.org/seniors 🎓

Laptops: Tomorrow, May 15, is the last day to pick up a borrowed laptop. And, students in current grades 3 to 11, can keep the borrowed laptop to participate in online summer learning experiences MNPS will launch in June. (Details coming soon). 🙌🏾to MNPS Technology💻

While not the graduation we wanted for our students, teachers and staff came out to Glencliff Colts to celebrate each senior- around 200 total- that joined us for our drive thru graduation yesterday! 🎓

📖 Our Glencliff Colts are able to order books to pick up or have delivered to them thanks to Book'em & @MckayNashville! 📖 We have a book station ready for students when they visit for tech help, as well! MNPS EL Office MNPS Secondary ELA Metro Schools

.Hillsboro Burros - as well as Glencliff Colts, Hunters Lane and McGavock High School - is set up to exchange new laptops for older ones with all MNPS teachers starting next week. Thanks again to John Cooper for his help to make this technology purchase possible.