ID: 2803137448
03-10-2014 23:34:26
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Has everyone forgotten the referendum results March 8th Women said No to -The erasure of mothers -The removal of sex based rights A resounding NO RTĆ Prime Time Upfront with Katie Hannon Virgin Media News Irish Daily Mirror TonightVMTV The Ditch Irish Independent The Irish Times
Contact Protect your children The Irish Times #LetWomenSpeakā¦
Great news from Swim Ireland Fairness and protection for women and girls DublinLGFA please review your unfair policy & support girls and women
#DefundNWCI #BigDave Womenscouncilireland I'm long blocked by the National Willy Council of Ireland. They block every woman who knows what a woman is. Every woman who knows #BigDave Phillips and his AGP ilk are men. Dave has cronies in high places, doesn't he, Taoiseach Simon Harris TD?