European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
ID: 1587118290412994560
https://ebcog.eu/ 31-10-2022 16:25:02
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EBCOG announces its new Executives: Prof Frank Louwen as President, Sambit Mukhopadhyay as President-Elect, Prof Helle Karro as Secretary-General, Prof Piotr Sieroszewski as Treasurer, Dr Ferry Boekhorst as Western Region Executive, and Dr Petr Velebil as SCTR Chair. Congrats!
EBCOG supports EFCNI network World Breastfeeding Week. Preterm (and hospitalised) newborns benefit even more from breastfeeding than their full-term peers. Mothers may face different breastfeeding challenges than mothers of full-term babies. Read the factsheet: efcni.org/wp-content/upl…