David Morgens
HHMI LSRF Fellow in Glaunsinger lab at UC Berkeley studying CRISPR and KSHV. Formerly of Bassik lab (Stanford) studying CRISPR screens and small molecules.
ID: 2568233563
15-06-2014 03:05:58
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Our paper on transcription-dependent genome organization in dinoflagellates is officially out Nature Genetics, w/ Georgi Marinov & Tingting Xiang, Anshul Kundaje (anshulkundaje@bluesky) William J. Greenleaf. Next-gen tech in a non-model organism to explore broad principles! go.nature.com/3u6x1gL 1/2

HHMI Gilliam Fellow (and now Dr.) Christopher Duncan-Lewis shows how a gene expression shutdown pathway originally discovered by studying the effects of a virus is also activated in a parallel way during early apoptosis. doi.org/10.7554/eLife.… eLife - the journal

I feel so unbelievably lucky to make this announcement—I am starting as an Assistant Professor at The University of Iowa Department of Microbiology and Immunology this fall! Amazing colleagues, tons of virology, and awesome town. What a dream… so pumped!

Excited to share our work on in vivo hematopoietic stem cell CRISPR screens to study hematopoiesis and the aging immune system in the Tony Wyss-Coray lab w/ Wilkinson Group at Oxford & Nakauchi lab at Stanford! biorxiv.org/content/10.110… Find our screen data at hematopoiesiscrisprscreens.com