Brett Scheffers
Assistant Professor, University of Florida
ID: 781447170532773888
http://www.wec.ufl.edu/faculty/scheffers/ 29-09-2016 10:54:58
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Distance–decay differs among vertical strata in a tropical rainforest - J. Animal Ecology - #Madagascar Brett Scheffers besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111…

Just in time for Species On The Move Conference! A call for us to think proactively about #SpeciesOnTheMove. CMS_UTas University of Tasmania IMAS FLORIDA

Climate change is toppling tree frogs from rainforest canopies massivesci.com/articles/tree-… via Massive Science

Wow, my 1st first (author) now out in American Naturalist! In our global synthesis, Brett Scheffers and I show the big role that 🌳, ❄️, and microgeography play in creating climate separation on mountains, revisiting Janzen's classic 1967 mountain passes paper: 1/4 journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/71…

Mark your calendars folks. Species On The Move Conference is back in 2023! An amazing conference on climate change impacts across nature and society speciesonthemove.com #ClimateChange #Ecology #Everglades

Do you work on detecting, attributing and/or predicting species on the move? See theme 1 Species On The Move Conference speciesonthemove.com #SOTMFlorida2023 #ClimateChange #SpeciesOnTheMove

Super excited to see creative new ways to study SOTM Species On The Move Conference Theme #2 #ClimateChange #SOTMFlorida2023

Super excited to share this work! A fantastic collaboration with Rebecca Senior Wildlife trade targets colorful birds and threatens the aesthetic value of nature cell.com/current-biolog…

Can animals climb away from climate change? See news covering latest research Brett Scheffers news.mongabay.com/2018/02/tree-d…