Gregor Bond
transplant/ICU nephrologist @MedUni_Wien; torque teno virus 🦠 guided immunosuppression ttv-guide.eu; pocus lover; renalism fighter; proud dad
ID: 1361436148602699784
http://ttv-guide.eu 15-02-2021 22:04:18
940 Tweet
105 Following

Joel M. Topf, MD FACP
Saying the product of the kidneys is urine is like saying the product of a factory is pollution. Urine is a by-product. The product is homeostasis COI: link👇🏼
Swapnil Hiremath @[email protected]
Nephrologist = kidney doc, #NephJC cofounder; Work @OttawaHospital @UOttawa; No PhrMA conflicts; QT hater; MPH 🤷🏽♂️; He/Him/His; @FreelyFiltered panelist
Brendon Neuen
Nephrologist, Associate Professor, Director of Kidney Trials, Royal North Shore Hospital | @NHMRC @GeorgeInstitute Fellow | Secretariat, SMART-C
Joshua Waitzman, MD PhD
Kidney doc, biochemist, and dad, taking life one kinesin-sized step at a time. He/him. @BIDMChealth | @nufeinbergmed | loudmouth @bookburton and @freelyfiltered
Daniele Focosi, MD PhD MSc
Hematologist, PhD in Virology, MSc in clinical trials, transfusion physician. Opinions are mine. Retweets/likes ≠ endorsements
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭
Chicago Sports Fan... Nephrologist by day. My tweets are not medical advice. The views expressed here are my own and not those of my employer.
Renal Fellow Network
Founded in 2008 by Nate Hellman | Partnership with @ASNKidney | Tweets by @Nephro_Sparks @ssfarouk @kantsmd |“For Fellows, By Fellows” |
Luca Toti
HPB & Transplant Surgeon @ptvonline2001, Education Committee Chair @ESOTtransplant & @UEMSEurope Liaison at ESOT
Heart transplant physician. Past President of the European Society of Organ Transplantation. Tweets are my own opinions
MedUni Wien
Stay tuned about Research, Science and Education by one of the longest-established medical education and research facilities in Europe. #MedUniWien
Frank Dor
Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Erasmus MC Transplant Institute. @rotterdamtrans. Treasurer @ESOTtransplant. @UEMSeurope EDI President.
The most cited and influential journal in the field, Transplantation provides extensive coverage of the most important advances in transplantation.
Official account of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. #ESOTcongress #ESOTaction #ESOTmoments #PoweredByESOT RT are not endorsements.
Carla Baan
#transplantation/ #basic sciences 🧪 🧫 #SoMe @TransplantJrnl @RotterdamTrans scholar.google.com/citations?user…linkedin.com/in/carla-baan-…
Fluid Academy
International Fluid Academy promotes #FOAM education + innovation. Mark #IFAD2024 May 10 @ECCC_DUBAI and August 20 @crit_sa CCSSA Jo-burg, #SMACC affiliated
Tony Breu
Hospitalist, VA Boston. Assistant Professor, @harvardmed and @HMSbioethics. Co-host, @CuriousClinPod. Usually at #AMreport. Views are my own.
internal medicine specialist,kidney doctor,
American Journal of Transplantation
AJT: Official journal of American Society of Transplantation @AST_info and American Society of Transplant Surgeons @ASTSChimera. Contact: [email protected]
Immunologists, B cell lovers :: Laboratory of Prof. Marta Rizzi
Rhys Evans
Transplant nephrologist. Royal Free and UCL. Sodium and immunity researcher. MedEd, Global Nephrology and Africa enthusiast. #ISNYoung
Hans-Joachim Anders
Physician scientist at LMU Munich searching ways to maximize kidneys` lifespan, EiC of NDT
Solid Organ Transplant Pharmacy Association Chair Haifa Lyster, Vice Chair Alison Rowley, Treasurer Caroline Ashley, Secretary Dane Howard
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) is the leading nephrology journal in Europe. NDT is an official journal of @ERAkidney. Published by @OxfordJournals
Prof. Fafi-kremer Samira
Head of Virology Institute, Strasbourg, France🇲🇦🇫🇷
Point-of-care ultrasound #POCUS 📖 | by Abhilash Koratala MD @KoraAbhi, Associate Professor #Nephrology @MCW_Nephrology I👨🏻✈️ @POCUSIAPN | X≠ medical advice
Cristina Popa
Nephrologist = kidney philosopher. History lover. Aspiring to be better. Freethinker. #NephJC managing editor; #NSMC faculty; #kireports; #ERA; #ASN
Brian Rifkin, MD
Interventional Nephrologist, Mississippian, @YaleMed, USAF (retired), T1DM, @NSMC intern 2021, @GlomCon fellow 2022, @NepSIM mentor
Jasmine Sethi
Assistant Professor Nephrology @PGIMER Chandigarh. Passion ☀️Onconephrology SoMe member @onconephsociety. SoMe editor @NDTsocial @CKJsocial. SoMe @ERAKidney
Marlies Antlanger

Devi Mey 🇨🇭🇮🇹🇰🇭
MPH, CEO @esottransplant, Mother and wife, advocate for women & passionate for public health. Views are my own
Christoph Schwarz MD
Nephrologist, tubulo-centric view, electro-likes
European Kidney Patients' Federation oficial account.
Emanuel Zitt
MD, ESENeph, FASN | nephrologist | internal medicine | clinician, scientist & educator | medical director aks science | living the moment, in statu nascendi
Frederik Haupenthal

bourgeois philippe


Thomas Reiberger
Professor of Hepatology @MedUni_Wien Director CD-Lab for #PortalHypertension & #LiverFibrosis Adjunct PI @CeMM_News & @LBI_RUD Head @CrgMOTION Secr @BavenoCoop
Gunnar Henrik Heine
Editor MARKUS@HOMe; Nephrologist at AGAPLESION MARKUS KRANKENHAUS, Frankfurt🇪🇺 Professor of Internal Medicine at Saarland University🇪🇺 YT Editor @ndtsocial
Transplant nephrologist @CHUdeLyon @HCL_Research and Team leader of @CIRI_Bcell_Lab @CIRI_Lyon. President elect @ESOTtransplant
ÖGN - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
Hier twittert die österreichische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie zu klinischen, wissenschaftlichen und standespolitischen Themen in Österreich.
Fanny Gelas

Daniel Cejka

HorizonEurope project on maximising the impact of prescription drugs in rheumatoid arthritis, coordinated by EULAR president @DanielAletaha at @MedUni_Wien
Fabrizio Maggi
MD, PhD, Virologist and Researcher at National Institute for Infectious Diseases L. Spallanzani, Rome
Maria Sibilia
Scientist & Cancer Researcher, Professor for Tumorbiology, Head of the Center for Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna & CCC, President of the Senate
TTV-Guide TX
HorizonEurope project on establishing a new and innovative tool to quantify the activity of the immune system, coordinated by @BondGregor at @MedUni_Wien
Katharina Mayer
Physician and Scientist at the Medical University of Vienna
Sophie Caillard

Nina Pilat
Associate Professor @MedUni_Wien Research scientist | immunologist | transplantation | @ESOTtransplant Basic Science Committee Past Chair
Judith Aberle
Professor of Virus Immunology @MedUniVienna • Virologist, MD || Viruses & Immunity | Opinions mine
Will Herrington
Prof@Oxford_NDPH, Hon.Nephrologist, EMPA-KIDNEY & EASi-KIDNEY CI. Join the fight against CKD, systematic bias & random error: make studies larger & randomized!
Thomas Zelniker
Cardiologist, MSc in Biostats, @MedUni_Wien, Former Fellow @TIMIStudyGroup, @harvardmed & @UniHeidelberg, Husband and Dad of 5, #rstats enthusiast
Ondrej Viklicky
transplant nephrologist, chief of transplant center @ikemcz
Annemarie Weißenbacher
Austrian🇦🇹❤️Salzburg, General and Transplant Surgeon, Researcher and in love with Oxford! Alumnus of @UniofOxford @NDSurgicalSci @imed_tweets #ESOTcouncillor
Eric Weinhandl
Kidney epi (PhD) + biostats (MS). VP of Epi @DaVita. Home dialysis! Adj Assoc Prof @UMN_Pharmacy. Christian @thelcms, lifelong Minnesotan, Ole, husband, dad x4.
Crowdsourcing answers to Nephrology questions! A @nephjc initiative, based @UAlberta #Academic a/c. Bot Questions? DM - @dr_nikhilshah
Kathrin Eller
Nephrologist and Scientist with great interest in immune cell mediated kidney diseases. Proud Mum of two Kids. @[email protected]
Paris Transplant Group
Expertise Center for Organ #Transplantation @Inserm #iBox #SmartData #statistics multidimensional analytics #MachineLearning #clinical trials #prognostics
Joris Rotmans

Annette Bruchfeld
Professor in Nephrology at Linköping University/University Hospital. Guest professor Karolinska Institutet. Former chair immunonephrology working group of ERA.
Nicole Schmidt
The Interactivist I Virtual facilitator and trainer I Project manager | Former COST CNC/CSO I European 🧠 I Viennese ♥️
Kidney Rebel
Kidney patient. Need more innovation in kidney care. Bring dialysis into the 21st century. Make tomorrow’s kidney care unrecognizable from today’s.
Andreas Kronbichler
Loves nephrology! Mountain lover! Views my own.