Rebecca Williams
Third-year PhD student @Cambridge_Uni @mrccbu. Love brains 🧠. Love talking about brains 😍. Not a zombie. She/her
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https://99rebeccasue.wixsite.com/rebecca-williams 28-02-2022 12:38:15
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Did you know.... that over 50% of academic papers are never cited.. get more on this and the important topic of research reproducibility, by watching the recording from todays Salon and brilliant talks from Shea J Andrews Rebecca Williams …unities.dementiaresearcher.nihr.ac.uk/c/events/demen…

"With privilege comes pressure." Rebecca Williams reflects on the challenges of academic perfectionism and finding a healthier approach. #AcademicChatter #Wellbeing dementiaresearcher.nihr.ac.uk/blog-perfectio…

I put some introductory #EEG / #MEG videos together, based on our introduction to #neuroimaging at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit : youtube.com/playlist?list=…. They should cover the most common aspects of EEG/MEG analysis, including pre-processing, source estimation and functional connectivity.

A new study by Matt Rouse (Matthew Rouse) and colleagues uses neuropsychology and neuroimaging to reveal the core cognitive function of the anterior temporal lobes in face recognition, person knowledge and semantic memory. #FTD doi.org/10.1093/cercor…

🛡️ Publishing null results is easier with Open Science and Study Pre-Registration! Rebecca Williams shares why it's a game-changer for researchers. #OpenScience #AcademicTwitter dementiaresearcher.nihr.ac.uk/blog-selfish-r…

That's a wrap for the online portion of #SummerCAMP24 Cambridge Psychiatry ☀️ It's been an incredible 3 weeks of talks and supervisions for our fantastic cohort of undergrads. Massive thanks to all the volunteers who made it happen❤️ Now just the residential to go Cambridge University!

We're ready to greet our amazing students for #SummerCAMP24 Cambridge Psychiatry! Can't wait to hear their final presentations tomorrow and a massive thank you to Gonville & Caius College for hosting 🥰

Congratulations to Rebecca Williams & all your colleagues on this massive achievement - these events do not just happen....& they can make all the difference to changing the course of a young person's life! Well done 👏👏👏👏 Cambridge Psychiatry Michelle Naessens Matthew Rouse Alice Roe

🚀 "The Joys of Academia (Seriously)" Rebecca Williams Rebecca Williams explores the ups and downs of academic life. Discover why she loves it! #PhDLife #Academia #DementiaResearcher dementiaresearcher.nihr.ac.uk/blog-the-joys-…