Meaziaxum2 (@tigray121032) 's Twitter Profile


ID: 1692933345439514625

calendar_today19-08-2023 16:16:26

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☦️ህሊና - አርአያ ❤️💛✊🏽 (@hili1421) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⚠️ Seven Teklehaymano, a mother in Abiy Addi, scours the ground for seeds to feed her two-year-old. This is the tragic reality for Tigray’s displaced. The Associated Press AFP News Agency Telegraph World News AFP News Agency #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees ☦️ህሊና - አርአያ ❤️💛✊🏽…

☦️ህሊና - አርአያ ❤️💛✊🏽 (@hili1421) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📌📌 Thousands in Tigray camps like 70 Kare, just miles from Mekelle, are struggling without food. Urgent humanitarian action is needed. The Associated Press AFP News Agency Telegraph World News AFP News Agency #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees ☦️ህሊና - አርአያ ❤️💛✊🏽…

☦️ህሊና - አርአያ ❤️💛✊🏽 (@hili1421) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣 About 1.8M people were displaced by fighting in Tigray. Though the guns are silent, hunger and suffering persist in the camps. We need global action now. The Associated Press AFP News Agency Telegraph World News AFP News Agency #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees ☦️ህሊና - አርአያ ❤️💛✊🏽…

KOKEB TIGRAY3 (@kokeb_3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📌About 1.8M people were displaced by fighting in Tigray. Though the guns are silent, hunger and suffering persist in the camps. We need global action now. The Associated Press AFP News Agency Telegraph World News AFP News Agency #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees KOKEB TIGRAY3…

Justice4Tigray➡️‼️ፍትሒ-ንትግራይ ‼️ (@justice4_tigray) 's Twitter Profile Photo

6/6 Historically, the Meskel festival, which celebrates the cross upon which Jesus was crucified, also commemorates its recovery by Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine. #TigrayHeritage #TOTC #UNESCO UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 US Holocaust Museum… via @Tigrai Tv

ሩፍታ_KI💛📌 (@ruftak_tdf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aid organizations scale back their operations and essential aid is harder to come by, humanitarian workers as they said "No choice but to stay" Dear Human Rights Watch UN Humanitarian UN Human Rights Amnesty International refugees We seek #ReturnTegaruIDPs to their warm home. @RuftaK_ 10…

ጨለ መቐለ (@tigray128188412) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Ethiopian gov't officially used Tigray region to starvation as a weapon of war, Lots of Tigrayan IDPs escaped from two years war conflict during #TigrayGenocidalWar from their homes. Dear #IC it's time to #ReturnTegaruIDPs now. United Nations EU Council Human Rights Watch USAID Department of State

mulu degol (@muludegol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thousands in Tigray camps like 70 Kare, just miles from Mekelle, are struggling without food. Urgent humanitarian action is needed. The Associated Press AFP News Agency Telegraph World News AFP News Agency #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees mulu degol…

Meaziaxum2 (@tigray121032) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear 🌍 leaders, we demand #Justice for Z actions of #AmharaMilitia, under Colonel Demeke's command & #EritreanTroops R causing a systematic change in Z demographics of #WesternTigray #Irob & #Kunama #UpholdPretoriaAgreement United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57 Human Rights Watch United Nations President Biden Keir Starmer Meaziaxum2

Dear 🌍 leaders, we demand #Justice for Z actions of #AmharaMilitia, under Colonel Demeke's command & #EritreanTroops R causing a systematic change in Z demographics of #WesternTigray #Irob & #Kunama #UpholdPretoriaAgreement 
<a href="/UN_HRC/">United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57</a> <a href="/hrw/">Human Rights Watch</a> <a href="/UN/">United Nations</a> <a href="/POTUS/">President Biden</a> <a href="/Keir_Starmer/">Keir Starmer</a> <a href="/Tigray121032/">Meaziaxum2</a>
Meaziaxum2 (@tigray121032) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As Z situation in #WesternTigray & #Raya continues to escalate, it is crucial that we recognize Z gravity of Z situation. These actions R not just violations of human rights, they R crimes against humanity. #UpholdPretoiraAgreement UN Human Rights @un Human Rights Watch President Biden Meaziaxum2

As Z situation in #WesternTigray &amp; #Raya continues to escalate, it is crucial that we recognize Z gravity of Z situation. These actions R not just violations of human rights, they R crimes against humanity. #UpholdPretoiraAgreement <a href="/UNHumanRights/">UN Human Rights</a> @un <a href="/hrw/">Human Rights Watch</a> <a href="/POTUS/">President Biden</a> <a href="/Tigray121032/">Meaziaxum2</a>
Meaziaxum2 (@tigray121032) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear 🌍 leaders, we demand #Justice for Z actions of #AmharaMilitia,under Colonel Demeke's command & #EritreanTroops are causing a systematic change in Z demographics of #WesternTigray #Irob & #Kunama #UpholdPretoriaAgreement United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57 Human Rights Watch United Nations President Biden Keir Starmer Meaziaxum2

Dear 🌍 leaders, we demand #Justice for Z actions of #AmharaMilitia,under Colonel Demeke's command &amp; #EritreanTroops are causing a systematic change in Z demographics of #WesternTigray #Irob &amp; #Kunama #UpholdPretoriaAgreement 
<a href="/UN_HRC/">United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57</a> <a href="/hrw/">Human Rights Watch</a> <a href="/UN/">United Nations</a> <a href="/POTUS/">President Biden</a> <a href="/Keir_Starmer/">Keir Starmer</a> <a href="/Tigray121032/">Meaziaxum2</a>
Meaziaxum2 (@tigray121032) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear🌍 leaders, we demand #Justice for Z actions of #AmharaMilitia, under Colonel Demeke's command & #EritreanTroops R causing a systematic change in the demographics of #WesternTigray #Irob & #Kunama #UpholdPretoriaAgreement United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57 Human Rights Watch United Nations President Biden Keir Starmer Meaziaxum2

Dear🌍 leaders, we demand #Justice for Z actions of #AmharaMilitia, under Colonel Demeke's command &amp; #EritreanTroops R causing a systematic change in the demographics of #WesternTigray #Irob &amp; #Kunama #UpholdPretoriaAgreement 
<a href="/UN_HRC/">United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57</a> <a href="/hrw/">Human Rights Watch</a> <a href="/UN/">United Nations</a> <a href="/POTUS/">President Biden</a> <a href="/Keir_Starmer/">Keir Starmer</a> <a href="/Tigray121032/">Meaziaxum2</a>
Meaziaxum2 (@tigray121032) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Z situation in #Tigray is dire as Z #UpholdPretoriaAgreement continues to be violated. It is crucial that we take action to stop this injustice.Secretary Antony Blinken President Biden Humano Falible Keir Starmer @statedep UN Human Rights Human Rights Watch #AmharOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray #TigrayCrisis Meaziaxum2

Z situation in #Tigray is dire as Z #UpholdPretoriaAgreement continues to be violated. It is crucial that we take action to stop this injustice.<a href="/SecBlinken/">Secretary Antony Blinken</a> <a href="/POTUS/">President Biden</a> <a href="/UhuruKenya/">Humano Falible</a> <a href="/Keir_Starmer/">Keir Starmer</a> @statedep <a href="/UNHumanRights/">UN Human Rights</a> <a href="/hrw/">Human Rights Watch</a> #AmharOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray #TigrayCrisis <a href="/Tigray121032/">Meaziaxum2</a>
Sgemey Tigray (@sgemeyt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear 🌍 leaders, we demand #Justice for Z actions of #AmharaMilitia, under Colonel Demeke's command & #EritreanTroops R causing a systematic change in Z demographics of #WesternTigray #Irob & #Kunama #UpholdPretoriaAgreement United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57 Human Rights Watch United Nations President Biden Keir Starmer Secretary Antony Blinken