Tim Rieseberg
Evolutionary Plant Biologist in de Vries lab interested in #apocarotenoid #metabolism and member of @watertoland
ID: 1304521846457610241
11-09-2020 20:47:12
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As a green plant cell - why would you keep RESPIRATION, when you got PHOTOSYNTHESIS?🍃 Brand new preprint bioRxiv Plant Bio with Antoni Mateu Vera Tomas Morosinotto Alessandro Alboresi and our own Zhengke uses Physco & looks at in vivo ATP dynamics to provide new answers.

How did plants spread across lands, transforming the Earth, adapting to environments? #PriorityProgramme “Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change” investigates! Well done #MAdLand researchers for the next stage of funding DFG public | @[email protected]: s.gwdg.de/ET48Za

Of all photosynthesizing organisms, land plants have the most complex bodies. But when did #multicellularity emerge? Researchers used gene sequencing data to investigate a time before land plants even emerged: s.gwdg.de/dSCf2N, doi.org/mdbr Current Biology

Ever wondered about the evolution of chemodiversity in plants? Learn more about this fascinating topic including verbal to quantitative models in our most recent publication by Frans Thon, Caroline Müller and Meike Wittmann onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

Excellent news! Genetically modified banana resistant to Panama disease given approval for Australian consumption abc.net.au/news/2024-02-1… via ABC Australia

Atomic Mutagenesis of N6-Methyladenosine Reveals Distinct Recognition Modes by Human m6A Reader and Eraser Proteins | Journal of the American Chemical Society Claudia Höbartner Universität Würzburg #UniWürzburg #Mutagenesis #Methyladenosine #m6A #Reader #Eraser #Proteins pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja…

ROP GTPases with a geranylgeranylation motif modulate alkaloid biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus academic.oup.com/plphys/article… Plant Physiology

Divergent evolution of the alcohol-forming pathway of wax biosynthesis among bryophytes Keyl et al. IRTG_PRoTECT Ivo Feussner 📖 ow.ly/ZZK750QWwoO

Decoding early stress signaling waves in living plants using nanosensor multiplexing nature.com/articles/s4146… Nature Communications

And here is the press release on the #Zygnema #genome paper Nature Genetics #evolution uni-goettingen.de/en/3240.html?i… Thanks again to this great team effort with dbCAN Iker Irisarri Marek Mutwil 🇺🇦 PMDelaux @[email protected] Andreas Holzinger Assaf Mosquna Stefan A. Rensing Fay-Wei Li 李飛葦 &many more MadLand

Our #Streptophyta Story throws light on Genetic Composition and Evolutionary Patterns at the dawn of successful terrestrialization of Land Plants: ow.ly/TxTP50SRVu1 Jan de Vries Iker Irisarri Sophie de Vries TatyanaDarienko MadLand European Research Council (ERC) IMPRS for Genome Science .. 1/5

Enjoying the great talk of Jan de Vries about plant terrestrialization at #bt2024dbg <3