Welcome to the 'Railway Work, Life & Death' project, on British & Irish railway staff accidents pre-1939. Tweets by Mike Esbester. @[email protected]
ID: 924726757076471808
http://www.railwayaccidents.port.ac.uk 29-10-2017 19:56:54
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Looking forward to talking to the #Fleet branch of Hampshire Genealogical Society tomorrow night! 'Railway worker accidents in the Fleet area before 1939', will link local & national pictures, & introduce the Railway Work, Life & Death project. #FamilyHistory #RailwayHistory #LocalHistory

Beautiful (if chilly day) in our city by the sea, and the Univ. Ports History team are busy getting ready to welcome students back soon. Views like this on our doorstep π

#ICYMI yesterday was the 150th anniversary of the #Thorpe railway disaster, which killed 25 & injured 75. It's being remembered in a variety of ways - but by marking these big events, do we risk forgetting everyday accidents which hurt far more people? railwayaccidents.port.ac.uk/the-thorpe-disβ¦

Exciting times! This time next week, we're in #Darlington for the S&DR200 Festival programme & #Railway200's campaign plan launch! Railway Work, Life & Death project co-lead Mike Esbester (Univ. Ports History) is academic liaison for Railway 200. railway200 railway200.co.uk

Any budding railway photographers out there, under 25: this is for you! Young Railway Photographer of the Year competition, via National Railway Museum and railway200 With a #Railway200 theme - and some great prizes! More info: youngrailphotographeroftheyear.co.uk

As we're giving this talk tonight - right now, in fact - no #WhoDoYouThinkYouAre for us this evening! Will have to watch on catch-up later - sure it'll be another interesting one! #WDYTYA WDYTYA? UK WDYTYA? Magazine

Yawn. This again. 3 cars & 1 van saving themselves literally 1 and a half minutes' walk - each way! - by parking all over the pavement. Nearest spaces just round the corner, but too much effort. Entitlement, anyone? Badly Parked Oxford Oxford Pedestrians Association

Looking forward to heading to the north-east next week! Got all sorts lined up, between Newcastle, Darlington & York - a symposium on the future of #RailwayHistory & #TransportHistory, seeing friends & colleagues from National Railway Museum & Hopetown Darlington, and the #Railway200 launch!

You invited to join curators Madeleine Mant and Martin Revermann for The Theatre of Science β a seminar series that will explore the many modes in which the sciences and theatre & performance art interact. The first event is September 20. More uoft.me/aS6

Time to delve again into this wonderful resource LSE Library

Another really interesting blog post from Radnor Street Cemetery, this time about the death of shunter Charles Edmonds at #Swindon Works in 1885: radnorstreetcemetery.blog/2024/09/13/chaβ¦

#ICYMI this week saw the 150th anniversary of the #Thorpe railway disaster, which killed 25 & injured 75. It's being remembered in a variety of ways - but by marking these big events, do we risk forgetting everyday accidents which hurt far more people? railwayaccidents.port.ac.uk/the-thorpe-disβ¦

The last of our Heritage Open Days posts explores instrumental networks and object itineraries in order to tell new histories of observatory sites and their associated networks sciencemuseumgroup.iro.bl.uk/concern/articl⦠#HODs