Green Party Trade Union Group
Self-organised trade unionists and allies in @TheGreenParty.
Promoted by Green Party Trade Union Group (Green Party) c/o PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ
ID: 2413354453 27-03-2014 00:06:51
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“The whole tuition fee and loan system is a fiction. It’s not going to be paid back. It’s a simulacrum of a bad model of finance.” Member of the House of Lords and former Green Party leader Natalie Bennett (Natalie Bennett) speaking at our #GPC24 fringe
📺 "We understand these issues are linked and we're putting forward a vision for a different type of future" Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay spoke to BBC Breakfast this morning on the Green vision for society ahead of this weekend's conference. #GPC24
"We promise to hold the new Government to account where we think they're off track" Adrian Ramsay 💚 Great start to Green Party Conference with our Co-Leader talking about pushing Labour to take action, tackle inequality and make real change. #GPC24
#GPC24 -Adrian Ramsay says what Labour lacks is the vision to understand. Change, or not changing, is a political choice #GreenPartyConference #gpconf
Co-leader Adrian Ramsay opening #GPC24 in Manchester to huge applause - making case for taxing super-rich to fund the investment our public services so desperately need, for restoring nature & bringing water back into public hands. This Govt needs to be bolder & better
And the crowd goes wild! Members were on their feet for Deputy Leader Zack Polanski addressing conference on stepping up and the Green Party’s commitment to telling the truth. #GPC24
Green Party Trade Union Group I'm a trade union rep and Green Party member, only party close to representing my interests atm
Really great introduction to the Green Party Trade Union Group session at The Green Party conference by our Chair Robert Magowan - setting the scene and the stakes facing council, workers, and unions in the local government funding crisis
"I couldn't believe that the Labour Councillors or Mayor weren't calling out their party for ignoring this" Heather Mack on how the Labour Party are ignoring the funding crisis facing Councils across the country. #GPC24
"I've been very clear that we're very supportive of unions" Pete Kennedy on how he's working with trade unions in Stroud. #GPC24
A Fantastic speech from our leader Anthony Slaughter, calling out Labour's failure to take meaningful action to support Welsh steel - on both ends of the M4.