Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Muffi


Bariatric ,Laparoscopic Robotic Surgeon @thedigestivein, covid warrior, philanthropist, health & fitness enthusiast , amateur photographer.

ID: 193621546

linkhttp://www.thedigestive.in calendar_today22-09-2010 08:41:54

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Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Would you need any more evidence to #maskup to #protect yourself. #Vaccination prevents you from getting seriously ill due to #COVID19 but #masking prevents you from either getting it or spreading it if you are +ve Aaditya Thackeray माझी Mumbai, आपली BMC

Would you need any more evidence to #maskup to #protect yourself.
#Vaccination prevents you from getting  seriously ill due to #COVID19 but #masking prevents you from either getting it or spreading it if you are +ve <a href="/AUThackeray/">Aaditya Thackeray</a> <a href="/mybmc/">माझी Mumbai, आपली BMC</a>
Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Will Everyone be exposed to Omicron during 3rd wave? Ans: Yes Will Everyone get infected with Omicron? Ans: Probably No but a Majority can as it’s highly transmissible. Do not panic but do not let your guard down it’s Covid!! Keep the mask on & double vaccinate to stay protected

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#hanahorka a life that could have been saved, lost to #COVID19 & #vaccinehesitancy . Pls do away with #vaccineconspiracytheories . Go & #vaccinate yourself when you have the opportunity. Save yourself for your loved ones. #maskup

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As we start to live in a #world stricken with #COVID19 and reassemble our lives. Let’s drop the #fear not the #mask. #schools are needed for the overall growth and mental well being of our #children. #vaccinate and go on with your lives EducationWorld India BMC Education Department

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I hear a lot of talk of how performance of a cricketer can be affected due to strict #biobubbles has anyone spared a thought on what doctors have gone through in the last 2 years of being on the frontline’s risking their lives without complaining .

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

15.09% of the BMC budget allocated to #publichealth.This is forward thinking where improvement in #healthcare facilities is given top priority. Hope this serves as a gentle reminder 4 other govt bodies 2 follow suit. Well done माझी Mumbai, आपली BMC Uddhav Thackeray Aaditya Thackeray Iqbal Singh Chahal

15.09% of the BMC budget allocated to #publichealth.This is forward thinking where improvement in #healthcare facilities is given top priority. Hope this serves as a gentle reminder 4 other govt bodies 2 follow suit. Well done <a href="/mybmc/">माझी Mumbai, आपली BMC</a> <a href="/uddhavthackeray/">Uddhav Thackeray</a> <a href="/AUThackeray/">Aaditya Thackeray</a> <a href="/IqbalSinghChah2/">Iqbal Singh Chahal</a>
Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Can’t wait to read barkha dutt new book on #COVID, I met her for the first time NSCI during her extensive ground reporting on the #pandemic from across India. Love her writing for its #authenticity, #honesty and lack of fear. I believe it has stories of some real life heroes.

Can’t wait to read <a href="/BDUTT/">barkha dutt</a> new book on #COVID, I met her for the first time <a href="/officialNSCI/">NSCI</a> during her extensive ground reporting on the #pandemic from across India. Love her writing for its #authenticity, #honesty and lack of fear. I believe it has stories of some real life heroes.
Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have moved from #doublemasking to #nomasking what should one do. Is it wise to completely #abandon #masking even in #publicplaces especially with the newer variants around.

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If we were not blessed to have the selfless services of these courageous young women & men. #COVID19 would have resulted in more suffering & far higher mortality rates than it did. We shall remain indebted for your service #HappyNurseDay World Health Organization (WHO)

If we were not blessed to have the selfless services of these courageous young women &amp; men. #COVID19 would have resulted in more suffering &amp; far higher mortality rates than it did. We shall remain indebted for your service #HappyNurseDay <a href="/WHO/">World Health Organization (WHO)</a>
Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two superstars when on the field. The same swagger, disdain for reputation of the opposition bowlers, oodles of talent, commanding respect and awe and chewing gum to seal it with a smile. Sir Vivian Richards Surya Kumar Yadav Do you agree? Ajit Agarkar Yuvraj Singh

Two superstars when on the field. The same swagger, disdain for reputation of the opposition bowlers, oodles of talent, commanding respect and awe and chewing gum to seal it with a smile. <a href="/ivivianrichards/">Sir Vivian Richards</a> <a href="/surya_14kumar/">Surya Kumar Yadav</a> Do you agree? <a href="/imAagarkar/">Ajit Agarkar</a> <a href="/YUVSTRONG12/">Yuvraj Singh</a>
Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#obesity is a disease. It’s time to get serious about the #stigma and #discrimination faced by those struggling with #obesity world over personally, professionally and it’s mental side effects ⁦ASMBS⁩ ⁦IFSO⁩ ⁦World Health Organization (WHO)⁩ bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi…

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The reality of a doctors life. Hero to Zero in a matter of minutes. The surgical eye mid-day.com/news/opinion/a… well written #respect

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Aaditya Thackeray for supporting our fight against #Obesity on #WorldObesityDay. We shall continue to highlight it as a #disease that has a direct link to #cancer, #Diabetes, #infertility amongst others. Let’s speak out on #stigmaagainstobesity. World Health Organization (WHO) World Obesity Day

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you @Iamrahulkanal for always supporting us in our drive of preventing #stigmaagainstobesity and highlighting the many ills of #obesitythediease World Health Organization (WHO) #WorldObesityDay

Dr Muffi (@drmuffi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

By stigmatising someone with Obesity you rob them of their rights to a fair battle with their own problems. Obesity is a disease and should be recognised as one ASMBS IFSO World Health Organization (WHO)