Dartmoor National Park, Devon
@DartmoorDevon #Dartmoor #Devon
South West England #UK
ID: 111263543
https://twitter.com/DartmoorDevon 04-02-2010 09:42:07
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BBC Gardeners World BBC Two BBC iPlayer Help #Wildlife & #Environment in your #Garden: 1. #PlantATree 2. #UseNOChemicals 3. #UseNOSlugPellets 4. Put #Vegetable peelings & cuttings out on your garden 5. Build a #pond with a gentle slope for easy wildlife access 🌸 #GardenersWorld #ChelseaFlowerShow #Dartmoor #Devon

Dartmoor National Park, Devon DartmoorNationalPark #Dartmoor #Devon South West England #UK

Wow - what a monster! A rare and enormous death's-head hawk-moth caterpillar. (Found by friend in nearby garden, west Dartmoor) #Dartmoor #Devon Butterfly Conservation 🦋 Migrant Lepidoptera British Moths Devon Wildlife Trust

DartmoorNationalPark #Dartmoor #Devon Misty August 2022 by Andrew Haglington 🇪🇺 #RejoinEU

DartmoorNationalPark #Dartmoor #Devon #NationalPark #Wild #Mushrooms by Andrew Haglington 🇪🇺 #RejoinEU