International Working Group on Youth&Sport / Global space for young leaders in sport / Equipping youth participation in @UN-#IOC dialogue with tools for change
ID: 4159577422
http://youthsportworld.org 10-11-2015 22:19:23
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FORMER DEP MIN SPORT RSA - We need more leaders to act as international peacekeepers, and we offer sport to help. #GameonforPeace #PeaceandSport

Thank you Maria ToorpakaiWazir for being part of what matters ! Great champion and great speech today ! #GameOnForPeace

. @honeymt2011 you have been Real (change, refreshment, inspiration) today! Thank you Lady! 🌷 #gameonforpeace w Peace and Sport

Stay tuned to discover the first youth council members of @isfsports ! More info : bit.ly/2gDXrQN

Congrats: Portugal,Croatia,France,India,Montenegro,Hungary,Turkey,Russia,Qatar,China&Serbia ➡ @isfsports 's Youth Council! #schoolsportyouth

Never stop asking: where are #youth European Athletics ❓ We urge for REAL youth participation throughout all sport structures ❗ cc European Youth Forum x.com/xicucolomar/st…

Last day for Young Delegates & 5 days left TO APPLY for a Committee Member (mandate 2017-2019). JOIN ENGSO Youth : youth-sport.net/ga