York Rescue Boat (@yorkrescueboat) 's Twitter Profile
York Rescue Boat


Education / Prevention / Rescue. Independent lifeboat committed to creating safer river environments. National Flood Rescue Team. Give us a wave if you see us!

ID: 1487736768

linkhttp://yorkrescueboat.com calendar_today06-06-2013 13:28:00

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York Rescue Boat (@yorkrescueboat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Our 2023 stats are in and it was a busy year for our volunteers. We couldn't have done any of this without your fantastic support. All of our team are unpaid and we rely on public donations to continue our lifesaving work. Please visit yorkrescueboat.com/donate


Our 2023 stats are in and it was a busy year for our volunteers.  We couldn't have done any of this without your fantastic support. All of our team are unpaid and we rely on public donations to continue our lifesaving work.  Please visit yorkrescueboat.com/donate