ID: 3226409291
01-05-2015 16:11:31
399 Tweet
159 Following

Are you ready for the 2022-2023 school year? Don't forget to register today. Registration ends at 6pm. #OneSaluda SaludaCountySchools spspride Saluda Elementary Hollywood Elementary School Saluda Middle Saluda High School

Thank you Saluda Middle for hosting such a great event! #OneSaluda SaludaCountySchools

Tonight, SaludaCountySchools celebrated our most recent retirees and our five Teachers Of The Year. Mrs. Jessica Jennings was honored as our District Teacher Of The Year! “Thank You” to the reigning SC TOY, Mr. @mr_jamison17, for his inspiring words at tonight’s banquet. #OneSaluda

I enjoyed sharing updates with the SaludaCountySchools District Counseling Staff! #OneSaluda #FutureReadyCTE #CTEinSC spspride Saluda Elementary Hollywood Elementary School Saluda Middle Saluda High School

🏈 It’s Game Day! SaludaCountySchools Saluda Football Saluda High School Saluda Elementary 🏈

Congratulations to SaludaCountySchools Teachers of the Year and District Teacher of the Year, Darlene Waters.

CTE Showcase Day with the SC State Department of Education! SaludaCountySchools Saluda High School #cteinsc #futureready