YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile


Hayward Unified School District’s Youth Enrichment Program (YEP). This program is sponsored by ASES, The 21st CCLC, and ASSETs

ID: 3252900704

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YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Students in Glassbrook Summer YEP are excited to learn STEAM! The proud look on student's faces when they are able to complete a task is inspiring, and the valuable skills they are learning are an integral part of building their self-esteem.#YEP #madeinhayward #steam #engineering

Students in Glassbrook Summer YEP are excited to learn STEAM! The proud look on student's faces when they are able to complete a task is inspiring, and the valuable skills they are learning are an integral part of building their self-esteem.#YEP #madeinhayward #steam #engineering