YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile


Hayward Unified School District’s Youth Enrichment Program (YEP). This program is sponsored by ASES, The 21st CCLC, and ASSETs

ID: 3252900704

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YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ms. Davila hosts “Are you Smarter than a 5th grader” for Yes Hayward students as part of their SEL activity! 🍎#YESHayward #YEPConnected #MadeInHayward

Ms. Davila hosts “Are you Smarter than a 5th grader” for Yes Hayward students as part of their SEL activity! 🍎#YESHayward #YEPConnected #MadeInHayward
HaywardUnified (@haywardusd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hayward students, your voice and opinion is needed. We invite all HUSD students to attend the Student Town Hall TONIGHT, June 8. 3:30-5:00 pm Join us and voice your opinion regarding the planning for the 2021-2022 school year. Visit: for details

Hayward students, your voice and opinion is needed.

We invite all HUSD students to attend the Student Town Hall TONIGHT, June 8.

3:30-5:00 pm

Join us and voice your opinion regarding the planning for the 2021-2022 school year. 

Visit: for details
HaywardUnified (@haywardusd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HUSD's Million Fathers March is Fri., Sep. 17. Learn more: *SAFETY PROTOCOLS -Masks are required -Practice social distance -Stay home if you have symptoms Help us spread the day’s excitement, by using the hashtags #MadeinHayward and #MFM2021

HUSD's Million Fathers March is Fri., Sep. 17. 
Learn more:

-Masks are required 
-Practice social distance
-Stay home if you have symptoms

Help us spread the day’s excitement, by using the hashtags #MadeinHayward and #MFM2021
HaywardUnified (@haywardusd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Get your COVID-19 vaccine at school! HUSD vaccine clinics start this week. Find dates, locations, and a clinic registration link at Vaccines are safe, effective, and free. Open to students and their families.

Get your COVID-19 vaccine at school! HUSD vaccine clinics start this week. Find dates, locations, and a clinic registration link at

Vaccines are safe, effective, and free. Open to students and their families.
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Due to the surge in COVID-19 cases and the severe staffing shortage we are experiencing, HUSD will transition all schools to virtual learning from Monday, January 10 to Friday, January 14. YEP will launch our YEP at Home program starting Tuesday, January 11, 2022.

YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We love to see our YES Hayward students out on the field practicing soccer drills, and improving their athletic skills. #YESHayward #YEP #HUSD #getoutandplay #madeinhayward

We love to see our YES Hayward students out on the field practicing soccer drills, and improving their athletic skills. #YESHayward #YEP #HUSD #getoutandplay #madeinhayward
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

YEP Students give a thumbs up to learning how to make their own fresh-squeezed juice today, made from tangerines they squeezed themselves. Have you had your daily nutrients of Vitamin C? #sweet #healthy #afterschool #fun #nutrition #YEP #madeinhayward

YEP Students give a thumbs up to learning how to make their own fresh-squeezed juice today, made from tangerines they squeezed themselves. Have you had your daily nutrients of Vitamin C?  #sweet #healthy #afterschool #fun #nutrition #YEP #madeinhayward
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Did you know that playing games together at recess not only helps build students physical capabilities, it also helps students build social emotional learning skills by playing together and having good sportsmanship? #YEShayward #YEP #HUSD #getoutandplay #recess #madeinhayward

Did you know that playing games together at recess not only helps build students physical capabilities, it also helps students build social emotional learning skills by playing together and having good sportsmanship?  #YEShayward #YEP #HUSD #getoutandplay #recess 
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

YES Hayward students are pictured giving a presentation about their group nutrition projects. These students are becoming youth leaders in creating healthy lifestyles for themselves, and sharing the importance of healthy lifestyle choices with their peers. #YEShayward #YEP

YES Hayward students are pictured giving a presentation about their group nutrition projects. These students are becoming youth leaders in creating healthy lifestyles for themselves, and sharing the importance of healthy lifestyle choices with their peers. #YEShayward #YEP
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy Saint Patrick's Day from YEP! What makes you feel lucky? 🍀 #HUSD #celebrate #lucky #students #YEP #madeinhayward #afterschool #fun

Happy Saint Patrick's Day from YEP! What makes you feel lucky? 🍀 #HUSD #celebrate #lucky #students #YEP #madeinhayward #afterschool #fun
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HaywardUnified YEPAfterSchool Enrollment for the 2022-23 school begins the week of Monday, May 23rd at 7:00 AM - visit our website for your specific school site enrollment date at

<a href="/HaywardUSD/">HaywardUnified</a>  <a href="/YEPAfterSchool/">YEPAfterSchool</a> Enrollment for the 2022-23 school begins the week of Monday, May 23rd at 7:00 AM - visit our website for your specific school site enrollment date at
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Students at Glassbrook Summer YEP are learning new mindfulness practices everyday to help them learn how to relax, and center themselves through fun art activities. #mindfulness #rainbowbreathing #guidedmeditation #students #art #summerYEP #YEP #madeinhayward #YEPafterschool

Students at Glassbrook Summer YEP are learning new mindfulness practices everyday to help them learn how to relax, and center themselves through fun art activities.  #mindfulness #rainbowbreathing #guidedmeditation #students #art #summerYEP #YEP #madeinhayward #YEPafterschool
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Students in Glassbrook Summer YEP are excited to learn STEAM! The proud look on student's faces when they are able to complete a task is inspiring, and the valuable skills they are learning are an integral part of building their self-esteem.#YEP #madeinhayward #steam #engineering

Students in Glassbrook Summer YEP are excited to learn STEAM! The proud look on student's faces when they are able to complete a task is inspiring, and the valuable skills they are learning are an integral part of building their self-esteem.#YEP #madeinhayward #steam #engineering
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cherryland Summer YEP students are up moving around, and expanding their dance skills with Beatbox! Dancing is a way to let children express themselves, and have fun, while also building confidence out on the dance floor and beyond. #madeinhayward #summer #yep #beatbox #dance

Cherryland Summer YEP students are up moving around, and expanding their dance skills with Beatbox! Dancing is a way to let children express themselves, and have fun, while also building confidence out on the dance floor and beyond. #madeinhayward #summer #yep #beatbox #dance
YEPAfterSchool (@yepafterschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@yepafterschool Representing @haywardunified at the National Afterschool Association Conference #NAA23 #TogetherWeShine…