Will Samuels (@willsamuels) 's Twitter Profile
Will Samuels


The King Cake Baron-- as deemed by @PoppyT.
Owner of @KingCakeHub, @MardiGrasTV & @PizzaNola.
Views expressed are mine, but they should be others'.

ID: 68871935

linkhttps://www.imdb.me/willsamuels calendar_today26-08-2009 02:01:22

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1,1K Following

Will Samuels (@willsamuels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join me as I lead #YomKippur Shacharit remotely for Shir Chadash with @NolaNoleGal at Master Control beginning at 9am! us02web.zoom.us/j/88430079836?…

Join me as I lead #YomKippur Shacharit remotely for <a href="/ShirChadashNOLA/">Shir Chadash</a> with @NolaNoleGal at Master Control beginning at 9am! us02web.zoom.us/j/88430079836?…
Will Samuels (@willsamuels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'I knew Kennedy's fly. I worked with Kennedy's fly. Mr. Vice-President, the fly on your head is no Kennedy's fly." #VPDebate

Will Samuels (@willsamuels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yeah, we're going to need to #SaveZoeysPlaylist. It's a very creative, well-done show that my wife, daughter and I enjoy watching together. The production values continue to amaze. Austin Winsberg