UW Radiology
The University of Washington Department of Radiology's official Twitter account. Please visit our website to learn more about us.
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https://rad.washington.edu 26-04-2017 17:46:31
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359 Following

Official account of the National Institutes of Health. NIH...Turning Discovery Into Health®. Privacy Policy: go.usa.gov/x9svN Engagement ≠ endorsement
The Radiological Society of North America is a nonprofit professional membership society committed to excellence in patient care through education & research.
American College of Radiology
The American College of Radiology is the voice of #radiologists, #MedPhys, #RadOnc & #NucMed physicians, empowering them to serve patients & society.
Geraldine McGinty
Physician leader, #radwoman, advocate for inclusive healthcare leadership (she/her) drgeraldinemcginty.com
A monthly journal devoted to clinical radiology and allied sciences, owned and published by RSNA. Follow @RSNA for organizational updates from RSNA.
Rich Duszak, MD
Grateful. Physician, teacher, researcher. Chair, @UMMCrads. Striving to pay it forward and put the care back in healthcare.
Puneet Bhargava, MD, FSAR, FAUR, FACR
YouTuber 🎬. Tweets on happiness🌻, success🚀, work-life design😎. ✍️Editor @CPDRJournal. Professor Abdominal Imaging. Channel link👇
Dr M. Mahesh (ಮಹೇಶ್) (he/him/his)
Prof of Radiology & Cardiology-Johns Hopkins Univ • President-Elect American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
Jeffrey Jarvik

Society of Breast Imaging
SBI is a non-profit organization that provides services to professionals working in Breast Imaging. News items shared does not equal an endorsement.
The American Society of Neuroradiology
American Society of Neuroradiology members interpret head and neck CT, MRI, brain and spine imaging, and perform interventional radiology @TheAJNR
Aya Kamaya, MD
Professor of Radiology, Stanford University; Chief of Body Imaging Division; Director of Ultrasound; (she/her)
American Board of Radiology
One of 24 Member Boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Jeff Otjen
Pediatric radiologist
Yale Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging
The official Twitter feed for the Dept. of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging at Yale School of Medicine, a world leader in patient care, research, & education.
Andrew Clayburn
Resident Physician - Army Vet - Movement Lover - Tech Enthusiast
Karisma Gupta, MD
She/Her | PGY-2 Diagnostic Radiology Resident @UW_RadRes | MD @WakeForestMed ‘21 | @FulbrightPrgrm ‘17 | BME @CoulterBME ‘16
Robert Ritchie
Nakona and Potawatomi UC Davis School of Medicine Wy'east Photographer IRONMAN Triathlete UWSOM Radiology Vascular Imaging Lab Keliomics Consultant
American Society of Emergency Radiology | ASER
Advance diagnosis & treatment of acutely ill/injured pts via medical imaging & enhance teaching & research in emergency radiology. #EMRad #Radiology #RadRes
Domenico Mastrodicasa
MD | Radiologist | Acting Instructor @UWRadiology | Trainee Deputy Editor @RadiologyCTI | former @StanfordRad @StanfordCVI
Office of Dr. Umair A. Shah, WA Sec of Health
Umair S. Shah, Washington State Secretary of Health, dad, and husband. Account managed by the Office of the Secretary. Follow≠endorsement.
Penn Radiology
Bringing vision to medicine through excellent clinical care, advancements in imaging research, and quality education.
Emory Radiology
Leading through innovation.
Amy K. Patel, MD
Breast Radiologist; Assoc Prof @umkcmedschool; Chair @ACRRAN @RADPAC; Pres @MORadSoc; Chair @ACS_KansasCity; AE #SoMe @JACRJournal; 2022 @Chiefs Fan of the Year
Avik Som, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Interventional Radiology, Material Science Engineering, University of Washington Co-founder, AbscoTx
Reed Omary, MD, MS
Physician, scientist & educator promoting sustainable medicine. Author, The Green Leap blog. Former @VUMCRadiology Chair. Tweets my own.
Muhimbili University
Core Functions: Training, Research and Consultancy Services
Farhad Pishgar
MD MPH • Radiology Resident @UW
International consortium training minimally invasive specialists in 🇹🇿 🇷🇼 🇺🇬 • Same care everywhere • Donate to support our mission
UF Department of Radiology
UF Department of Diagnostic Radiology
abdominal radiologist l Chair of EID Midwest Rad Mayo Clinic | Assoc. Prof | Opinions are my own | she/her
Rozita Jalilian
#RadRes @UWRadiology. Research fellow @hopkinsneurorad ‘21 | @MGHMartinos ‘18 | Content developer @themrionline
UH Radiology Cleveland
The official Twitter feed for the UH Dept. of Radiology.
Kenneth Tharp
MBA/MPH @EmoryUniversity | MD @UNDSMHS | Alumnus of @PhillipsAcademy and @WUSTL | Aspiring #RadRes | Mountain climber 🏕🏔⛏ | Tweets & opinions are own | he/him
Majid Chalian
Musculoskeletal #Radiologist at @UWRadiology
Amir Iravani
Theranostics and Molecular Imaging, #prostatecancer, #NET, @FredHutch. @UW
Negar Firoozeh
MD @TehUofMed | Radiology Research Fellow @UWRadiology | Radiology applicant for #Match2026
Amir A Rahsepar
#MD, #Radiology, # Northwestern, #UW, #UCLA, #YNHH, #Researcher, #CardiovascularImaging, #ChestImaging #RadinTraining Associate Editor @Radiology_RSNA
Adlai Grayson, M.D.
➡️ PGY3 IR @ @UofWa_IR @UW_RadRes | #RadRes | #HUCM '21 Alum | Gold Humanism | AOA |MSC Reserves @SIRRFS | @MIT Alum| He/Him/His 🌈
The world’s longest continuously published general radiology journal.
Niko Manasewitsch
@UWRadiology | @UNRmed | ⚽️
UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington's Department of Rehabilitation Medicine is a national leader in care, education and research in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Matt Abad-Santos
UW VIR | #dogdad and coffee fiend
Journal of Breast Imaging
The Journal of Breast Imaging is the official journal of the Society of Breast Imaging.
Drew Anderson
IR PGY-2 @ Univ of WA
Postdoc Research Fellow at the University of Washington, Department of Radiology. Applying for #Match2023
Sung Yoon Park
Acting Instructor, Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Sakura Noda, MD
Pediatric radiologist @SeattleChildren/@UWradiology
Saubhagya Srivastava
Postdoc Research Fellow @UWRadiology |MBBS | @KMC_Mangalore Alum | Aspiring Radiologist | Social Media Editor @WFUMBOpen
Peter Thurlow
Musculoskeletal Radiologist at the University of Washington
University of Washington School of Medicine
The UW School of Medicine is proud to be celebrating over 75 years of excellence in medical education, and more than 50 years of #WWAMI.
Shana Elman
Nuclear Medicine Chief, Oncologic Imager, Rad Residency PD, Nature Lover
Arash Azhideh
MD, MPH, H-MBA| Postdoctoral Research Fellow at @UWRadiology I Al Developer | Aspiring Radiologist | #FutureRadRes
Karthika Devi
UW Radiology
U of Washington Vascular Imaging Lab
Multi-disciplinary research lab focused on advanced vascular imaging and vascular biology, directed by @mossabas and N Balu, Sen adviser C Yuan and T Hatsukami
Pediatric Radiology
The official Twitter feed for the journal Pediatric Radiology (Springer)
dave MD
Radiologist in the PNW 🩻. Former Wall Street trader via @NYUStern. Brief stint in TV (Letterman). Dad x2. Tweets related to all of these topics.
Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH
Venous Specialist | Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) | Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Thrombectomy, and Stent Reconstruction l Interventional Radiology
Mohit Agarwal
Founder of @thecortexclub. Lifelong learner and educator. Associate Professor. Director Neuroradiology Fellowship Program. Medical College of Wisconsin.
Avanti Gulhane MD, DNB, FSCMR.
Instructor, Cardiothoracic Radiology, University of Washington (Asst prof-July 2024 onwards) Cardiovascular imaging research fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Hamid Chalian
Cardiothoracic Radiologist, Coronary plaque analysis advocate. UW Medicine 3D Printing Center Director. Currently @UWRadiology formerly @DukeRadiology
Helen Kim, MD
Pediatric Radiologist @SeattleChildren Assistant Professor @UWRadiology CLIMATE CHANGE affects the children I care for everyday 🌍🌱 *opinions are my own
Tan-Lucien Mohammed, MD, FACR
🫁🫀 Radiolgist by day || 🫁🫀 Radiologist by night, too || Equanimity under duress || RTs, ❤️s, follows ≠ support
Nitin Venugopal
DR resident at @UWRadiology | @MCG_AUG & @GeorgiaTech alum