UT Austin Center for European Studies (@uteurostudies) 's Twitter Profile
UT Austin Center for European Studies


The Center for European Studies (CES) at The University of Texas at Austin promotes the study of Europe. Retweet ≠ endorsement. Contact: [email protected]

ID: 807561535

linkhttps://liberalarts.utexas.edu/european_studies/ calendar_today06-09-2012 20:36:31

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UT Austin Center for European Studies (@uteurostudies) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to CES FLAS Fellows Misha Simanovskyy🕯️🕯️🕯️ and Nick Acevedo for being named, respectively, as an AY 2023-24 Brumley Next Generation Graduate Fellow and an AY 2023-24 Brumley Next Generation Undergraduate Scholar by UT's Strauss Center!

Congratulations to CES FLAS Fellows <a href="/MSimanovskyy/">Misha Simanovskyy🕯️🕯️🕯️</a>  and Nick Acevedo for being named, respectively, as an AY 2023-24 Brumley Next Generation Graduate Fellow and an AY 2023-24 Brumley Next Generation Undergraduate Scholar by UT's <a href="/StraussCenter/">Strauss Center</a>!