Science&Engineering (@uocscieng) 's Twitter Profile


Science and Engineering Faculty @uoChester

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Staff and Students from the Department of Chemical Engineering University of Chester @ThorntonSciPark, and staff from GHD, attended The North West Engineering Excellence Awards Dinner 2019, jointly hosted by the IChemE and The IMechE Team, at @HiltonMCR on Friday

Staff and Students from the Department of Chemical Engineering <a href="/uochester/">University of Chester</a> @ThorntonSciPark, and staff from <a href="/GHDspeaks/">GHD</a>, attended The North West Engineering Excellence Awards Dinner 2019, jointly hosted by the <a href="/IChemE/">IChemE</a> and <a href="/IMechE/">The IMechE Team</a>, at @HiltonMCR on Friday