Josh Hurst (@ugahurst) 's Twitter Profile
Josh Hurst


Husband. Dad. Coach. Teacher. Video guy.

ID: 30326172

calendar_today10-04-2009 22:12:01

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Josh Hurst (@ugahurst) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Maroon Goons of Dade County High School were voted as the GHSA 2023 Student Section of the Year for 1A-5A! Here’s our entry video -… If that don’t light your fire for Dade County, your wood is wet! #OneDade #TeamDadeGA Dade County High DC Athletics

The Maroon Goons of Dade County High School were voted as the GHSA 2023 Student Section of the Year for 1A-5A! Here’s our entry video -… If that don’t light your fire for Dade County, your wood is wet! #OneDade #TeamDadeGA <a href="/DadeCoHigh/">Dade County High</a> <a href="/DadeWolverines/">DC Athletics</a>