Accelerating and improving clinical and translational research at UC, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, UC Health, and the VA Medical Center.
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https://www.cctst.org/ 19-11-2015 15:59:54
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Congratulations to Jareen Meinzen-Derr on receiving the Team Science Award and Alexandra (Sims) Corley, MD, MPH, FAAP on winning the 3MT competition at ACTS's annual conference! Great work! 🥳 oaacd.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/dr-…

One of many rewards of working at Cincinnati Children's is being able to participate in patient advocacy meetings. Today clinicians, surgeons, and researchers come together with families to share information on MFDM. Thanks to UC CCTST Cincinnati Children's for supporting this meeting.

Our K Scholars Career Development Award Program will begin accepting LOIs on 7/15/24! (Deadline is 8/16/24) For more details, please contact [email protected] or visit: cctst.org/kscholars

Congrats to these outstanding faculty members Cincinnati Children's! Andrew Beck Theresa Alenghat Kara Ayers John Erickson, MD, PhD Laura Walkup, PhD 🫁 Aria Fiat, PhD Courtney Gilliam, MD Jessica Kahn Jennifer Kaplan, MD, MS Jareen Meinzen-Derr Dr. Carlie Myers DeshmukhLab Sonya Tang Girdwood 鄧 智佳, MD, PhD Dan Schumacher, MD, PhD (he/him/his) and more! scienceblog.cincinnatichildrens.org/researcher-rec…

In adults, one model of a self-fit hearing aid offers comparable long-term benefits to audiologist-fit hearing aids for mild to moderate hearing loss. Congrats to co-author David Moore, PhD, Cincinnati Children's. #audiology Study: jamanetwork.com/journals/jamao…

Cradle Cincinnati announced that the infant mortality rate in Hamilton County dropped below the national average in 2023 for the first time since record keeping began in 1968, and the Black infant mortality rate dropped to a single digit for the first time. wvxu.org/health/2024-07…

Einstein has appointed Jessica Kahn, M.D., M.P.H., senior associate dean for clinical and translational research and director of the Block Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) at Einstein. Learn more at bit.ly/3xLFuNK. EinsteinMontefioreICTR

Our K Scholars Career Development Award Program is accepting LOI's until 8/16/24! For more details, please contact [email protected] or visit: cctst.org/kscholars

The Virginia Cooperative Extension & iTHRIV CTSI invite you to the Appalachian Translational Research Network (ATRN) 2024 Annual Health Summit to address pressing challenges & enhance healthcare delivery & outcomes! Only 2 weeks left to register: ow.ly/nWv150SZOLe #CTSAProgram