Uppsala Antibiotic Center (@uac_uu) 's Twitter Profile
Uppsala Antibiotic Center


Research, education & innovation on #Antibiotics & #AntibioticResistance with a multidisciplinary approach at @UU_University. Producing #theAMRstudio!

ID: 962996337728991232

linkhttp://uac.uu.se calendar_today12-02-2018 10:26:33

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Uppsala Antibiotic Center (@uac_uu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't miss it!👉Join us on-site or online this Friday 12:30pm CET for Nicola K Gale (she/her)'s seminar on her visit to Uppsala! She will talk to us about individual vs. population health risks in #AMR. Want lunch?🥪bit.ly/lunchdec22 Joining from afar?💻 bit.ly/UACdec22

Don't miss it!👉Join us on-site or online this Friday 12:30pm CET for <a href="/profnicolagale/">Nicola K Gale (she/her)</a>'s seminar on her visit to Uppsala! She will talk to us about individual vs. population health risks in #AMR.

Want lunch?🥪bit.ly/lunchdec22
Joining from afar?💻 bit.ly/UACdec22