Tyler Kohler (@tyler_kohler) 's Twitter Profile
Tyler Kohler


Glacier streams ❄️

ID: 3242539321

calendar_today11-06-2015 16:37:05

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DiCE Group (@dice_laboratory) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❄️Greetings from Antarctica, the Earth's final frontier!🐧This year, we joined the expedition to the Czech Mendel station on James Ross Island, to continue two decades of explorations by Czech scientists of local microbial flora, including diatoms!🦠🧬

❄️Greetings from Antarctica, the Earth's final frontier!🐧This year, we joined the expedition to the Czech Mendel station on James Ross Island, to continue two decades of explorations by Czech scientists of local microbial flora, including diatoms!🦠🧬
Berkeley Earth (@berkeleyearth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

January 2024 Temperature Update 2024 had the globally warmest January since 1850 Also warmest in the ocean, 3rd warmest on land Strong El Niño continues, but weakening & likely ends mid-year. Very likely 2024 becomes the warmest or 2nd warmest year. berkeleyearth.org/january-2024-t…

January 2024 Temperature Update 

2024 had the globally warmest January since 1850

Also warmest in the ocean, 3rd warmest on land

Strong El Niño continues, but weakening & likely ends mid-year.

Very likely 2024 becomes the warmest or 2nd warmest year.

DiCE Group (@dice_laboratory) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❄️More Antarctic adventures, sampling microbial communities of glacial streams, lakes, and cryoconites on James Ross Island. What kind of otherwordly creatures will we discover? Some diatoms for sure!❄️

❄️More Antarctic adventures, sampling microbial communities of glacial streams, lakes, and cryoconites on James Ross Island. What kind of otherwordly creatures will we discover? Some diatoms for sure!❄️
EPFL-ENAC (@epflenac) 's Twitter Profile Photo

actu.epfl.ch/news/glacier-s… Microbial life will flourish in mountain streams because of ongoing glacier shrinkage. This is what a team of scientists from EPFL-ENAC (Tom Battin ) and Charles University report in a paper published in Nature Geoscience EPFL

Faculty of Science of Charles University (@science_charles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Glacier-fed streams are undergoing a process of profound change, according to EPFL scientists and our Dept. of Ecology Tyler Kohler in a paper appearing in recent issue of Nature Geoscience. #glaciermelt 🔗 1url.cz/MubH1

Glacier-fed streams are undergoing a process of profound change, according to <a href="/EPFL/">EPFL</a> scientists and our Dept. of Ecology <a href="/tyler_kohler/">Tyler Kohler</a> in a paper appearing in recent issue of <a href="/NatureGeosci/">Nature Geoscience</a>.
🔗 1url.cz/MubH1
Zeke Hausfather (@hausfath) 's Twitter Profile Photo

February 2024 was the warmest February on record in the ERA5 dataset, at around 1.79C above preindustrial records. It beat the prior record set during the 2016 super-El Nino by 0.12C: pulse.climate.copernicus.eu

February 2024 was the warmest February on record in the ERA5 dataset, at around 1.79C above preindustrial records.

It beat the prior record set during the 2016 super-El Nino by 0.12C: pulse.climate.copernicus.eu
Tom Battin (@river_epfl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#RIVER_epfl congratulates Hannes Peter, @R_Sommaruga and many more for this important paper nature.com/articles/s4146…! The world is changing — rapidly!

Lee Stanish (@lstanish) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just published! An article using diatoms to trace particulate organic matter movement. This pub is special to me because it’s the final chapter of my PhD thesis. It was foundational for numerous later studies and I’m so happy it’s finally out there. frontiersin.org/journals/micro…

Ianina Altshuler (@ianinaalt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are looking for a postdoc to join our lab! If you are interested in Alpine ecosystems and microbiomes we would love to have you onboard. Please apply via: careers.epfl.ch/job/Sion-Postd…

We are looking for a postdoc to join our lab! If you are interested in Alpine ecosystems and microbiomes we would love to have you onboard. Please apply via: careers.epfl.ch/job/Sion-Postd…
Faculty of Science of Charles University (@science_charles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This year again, the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program supported talented female scientists . One of the awardees is microbiologist Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D. from our Department of Ecology at Charles University. 🌿 Congratulations!🎉👏

This year again, the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program supported talented female scientists . One of the awardees is microbiologist Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D. from our Department of Ecology at <a href="/CharlesUniPRG/">Charles University</a>. 🌿 Congratulations!🎉👏
Přírodovědci.cz (@prirodovedcicz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Talentované vědkyně i v letošním roce podpořil program L´Oreál – UNESCO Pro ženy ve vědě. Jednou z oceněných je i mikrobioložka Mgr. Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D. z katedry ekologie PřF UK na Univerzita Karlova . Gratulujeme!👏

Talentované vědkyně i v letošním roce podpořil program L´Oreál – UNESCO Pro ženy ve vědě. Jednou z oceněných je i mikrobioložka Mgr. Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D. z katedry ekologie PřF UK na <a href="/UniKarlova/">Univerzita Karlova</a> . Gratulujeme!👏
Zeke Hausfather (@hausfath) 's Twitter Profile Photo

With half the month now behind us, June 2024 is very likely to be the warmest June on record. It is on track to beat 2023's record by nearly 0.2C, and may represent an ominous sign that global temperatures are not falling very quickly despite the fading of El Nino conditions.

With half the month now behind us, June 2024 is very likely to be the warmest June on record.

It is on track to beat 2023's record by nearly 0.2C, and may represent an ominous sign that global temperatures are not falling very quickly despite the fading of El Nino conditions.
Tom Battin (@river_epfl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#RIVER_epfl encourages to support the strike at Nature nature.com/articles/d4158…. Support Nature staff here docs.google.com/document/d/1Th… and sign petition, please. The publishing business is sick enough already.

Zeke Hausfather (@hausfath) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Global surface temperatures from Berkeley Earth are now out for June. It was the warmest June on record for land, oceans, and the globe as a whole by a sizable margin (~0.14C), and came in at 1.6C above preindustrial levels.berkeleyearth.org/june-2024-temp…

Global surface temperatures from <a href="/BerkeleyEarth/">Berkeley Earth</a> are now out for June. It was the warmest June on record for land, oceans, and the globe as a whole by a sizable margin (~0.14C), and came in at 1.6C above preindustrial levels.berkeleyearth.org/june-2024-temp…
DiCE Group (@dice_laboratory) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yay, new research from our lab published in Journal of Phycology! Through an ecophysiological culturing experiment, our Eva confirmed a long-suspected (yet still inconclusive) hypothesis: freshwater cryospheric diatoms cope with freezing far better than temperate ones. Find more below!🥶

Yay, new research from our lab published in <a href="/JPhycology/">Journal of Phycology</a>! Through an ecophysiological culturing experiment, our Eva confirmed a long-suspected (yet still inconclusive) hypothesis: freshwater cryospheric diatoms cope with freezing far better than temperate ones. Find more below!🥶
Zeke Hausfather (@hausfath) 's Twitter Profile Photo

With more than half of the month in, its clear that August 2024 will be the warmest or second warmest on record. Our current best estimate is that it will roughly tie August 2023 at around 1.5C above preindustrial levels in ERA5.

With more than half of the month in, its clear that August 2024 will be the warmest or second warmest on record. 

Our current best estimate is that it will roughly tie August 2023 at around 1.5C above preindustrial levels in ERA5.