Tyler Kohler
Glacier streams ❄️
ID: 3242539321
11-06-2015 16:37:05
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actu.epfl.ch/news/glacier-s… Microbial life will flourish in mountain streams because of ongoing glacier shrinkage. This is what a team of scientists from EPFL-ENAC (Tom Battin ) and Charles University report in a paper published in Nature Geoscience EPFL

Glacier-fed streams are undergoing a process of profound change, according to EPFL scientists and our Dept. of Ecology Tyler Kohler in a paper appearing in recent issue of Nature Geoscience. #glaciermelt 🔗 1url.cz/MubH1

#RIVER_epfl congratulates Hannes Peter, @R_Sommaruga and many more for this important paper nature.com/articles/s4146…! The world is changing — rapidly!

This year again, the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program supported talented female scientists . One of the awardees is microbiologist Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D. from our Department of Ecology at Charles University. 🌿 Congratulations!🎉👏

Talentované vědkyně i v letošním roce podpořil program L´Oreál – UNESCO Pro ženy ve vědě. Jednou z oceněných je i mikrobioložka Mgr. Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D. z katedry ekologie PřF UK na Univerzita Karlova . Gratulujeme!👏

Global surface temperatures from Berkeley Earth are now out for June. It was the warmest June on record for land, oceans, and the globe as a whole by a sizable margin (~0.14C), and came in at 1.6C above preindustrial levels.berkeleyearth.org/june-2024-temp…

Yay, new research from our lab published in Journal of Phycology! Through an ecophysiological culturing experiment, our Eva confirmed a long-suspected (yet still inconclusive) hypothesis: freshwater cryospheric diatoms cope with freezing far better than temperate ones. Find more below!🥶