Trevor Mundel (@trevormundel) 's Twitter Profile
Trevor Mundel


President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Science is my passion.

ID: 2778917545

link calendar_today29-08-2014 18:05:17

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Trevor Mundel (@trevormundel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi everyone! This is Ivonne Lujano, Open Access activist & DOAJ ambassador. I'm taking over Trevor’s LinkedIn in honor of International Open Access Week. Head over to learn more about my work and the role of Open Access policies in research. #OAWeek

Hi everyone! This is <a href="/ivonnelujano/">Ivonne Lujano</a>, Open Access activist &amp; <a href="/DOAJplus/">DOAJ</a> ambassador. I'm taking over Trevor’s LinkedIn in honor of International Open Access Week. Head over to learn more about my work and the role of Open Access policies in research. #OAWeek