Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile
Mircea Dincă


W. M. Keck Professor of Energy, MIT |Co-founder @transaera

ID: 976195722071683072

linkhttp://web.mit.edu/dincalab/index.html calendar_today20-03-2018 20:36:11

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Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A reality that hurts. It's never too early, and hopefully not too late, to accelerate transition to renewables and sustainable energy storage cleantechnica-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/cleantechn…

Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Towards understanding hysteresis with water sorption in MOFs. Nice careful study from the ever-curious Jules Oppenheim and our super collaborators Paesani Lab , now out in Chemistry of Materials pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.10…

Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Beggining to peel away at what makes MOFs better supercaps: distancing the layers with alkyl groups helps! Now out in Angewandte Chemie from Alice Su and collaborators in the Vlad group at UC Louvain: doi.org/10.1002/anie.2…

Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A slamdunk of a defense from our newest PhD Jules Oppenheim, who has likely developed the deepest insight in water sorption in MOFs, with his magnum opus still to come out, on top of his amazing productivity! Congrats Jules!

A slamdunk of a defense from our newest PhD <a href="/Jules_Oppenheim/">Jules Oppenheim</a>, who has likely developed the deepest insight in water sorption in MOFs, with his magnum opus still to come out, on top of his amazing productivity! Congrats Jules!
Aristide Gumyusenge (@agumyusenge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just out in Advanced Sci News: We report on a conductive polymer/MOF (metal-organic framework) composite, designed for highly reversible chemical detection🚨🚨🚨 Advanced Materials - Wiley Online Library onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ad…

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (@j_a_c_s) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Humidity-Mediated Dual Ionic–Electronic Conductivity Enables High Sensitivity in MOF Chemiresistors | Journal of the American Chemical Society Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MIT Chemistry Mircea Dincă #Humidity #Ionic #Electronic #Conductivity #MOF #Chemiresistors pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja…

Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Awesome to see former grad students being able to branch into totally different fields! That's what a well-rounded PhD will allow you to do! Congrats Luming Yang!

Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Research in conductive MOFs should not be all about chasing metrics, but about understanding!Proud of this work on learning more about what makes Ni-diamine 2D MOFs special J. Am. Chem. Soc. pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja…

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (@j_a_c_s) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Superior Charge Transport in Ni-Diamine Conductive MOFs | Journal of the American Chemical Society Mircea Dincă Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MIT Chemistry #Charge #Transport #Ni #Diamine #Conductive #MOFS pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja…

Mircea Dincă (@dincagroupmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Isoreticular curves: a way of understanding capillary condensation in microporous solids intuitively, with important implications for designing new sorbents for condensible fluids. The Magnum Opus from the PhD thesis of the inimitable Jules Oppenheim pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.102…