James Baldwin
theatre type, working class, associate @theeggbath, trustee of @ArtsatOFS, dramaturge & occasional tele bod (tweets=me=🧂)🌈 #BLM
ID: 272939652
http://www.jamescreates.com 27-03-2011 13:52:52
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HELP?! Amazing prod./tour man. Hannah Farley-Hills has been hospiltalised in Chile! We have 3 shows ready: one for children's hospices, multisensory under 5's, & my semi-autobio mental health play. She's going to be ok 🙌but🔧in ⚙️ = £! bit.ly/2RRwm0Y if you can help. Ta x
Happy #WorldTheaterDay Happy to #OVConnect and help if I can / share my mistakes so you can avoid! Writer, maker, dramaturg. VBA reader. Trustee of Old Fire Station, Oxford Associate the egg theatre current (or postponed!) projects with Dante or Die & Oxford Playhouse & Create DM open 👋
Combine PAYE and self-employed earnings to assess eligibility for 80% average salary grant - Sign the Petition: chng.it/sKFsnYYm via Change.org UK
Useful to read Darren Henley CBE’s thoughtful response
Fully operational ventilators from the Holby City set arrived at the new Nightingale Hospital yesterday. BBC Casualty & BBC Holby City Exec Producer Simon Harper said: "We are only too happy to help out and do what we can for the courageous and selfless real life medics."
I have glorious conversations about my namesake on a weekly basis. Thanks Bush Theatre - I enjoy Black stories and consume Black culture - I'll educate myself further. #BlackLivesMatter
remembering making that theatre malarkey Barbican Centre with the glorious Dan Edge alongside Becky Barry rachelisdancing #WeShallNotBeRemoved
#CultureNeedsDiversity @IncArtsUK1 Brixton House