ID: 1544953369416155136
07-07-2022 07:56:13
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Qualified For The In Person Event Time For Everyone To Know My Name B ๐ฟ๐๐๐๐๐ NBA 2K League Jelani Mitchell

We are pleased to present our TooCold family that will be participating in the 3v3 portion of Season 7 NBA 2K League ! Jared ๐๐ฅ๐ข๐ฑ ๐ค Part Time Gamer the2ktwins (Luke + Eli) Dario ๐ฎ๐น Jayo @xFTWx6 flu Kwilliam ***** B Swag TC Updates โ๏ธ โ๏ธ

twitch.tv/xbrycedagreateโฆ Tourney TooCold Org โ๏ธ

Swept Through $1000 Tournament Hosted By Meter_Man_Los With A Delayed Xbox One Controller ๐. S/O My Dawgs ๐ต๐ง ๐ฉถ Gucci. Dey Some Demons ๐.