Dr. Tariq Ghararah | د.طارق أبوغراره
إستشاري جراحة الصدر و المريء | مستشفى الحرس الوطني | Thoracic & Upper GI Surgeon l KAMC-J | NGHA
ID: 514378485
04-03-2012 14:07:33
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مؤتمر عالمي بامتياز ، الإبداع في التنظيم والاهتمام بالتفاصيل لا يعلى عليه. شكر خاص لجميع مدراء الجلسات والمتحدثين واللجنة المنظمة على المحتوى العلمي الغني والمفيد. #SGSS2024 SGSS 🇸🇦 صالح الناصر | Saleh Alnasser 🇸🇦 Ashraf Maghrabi

Jonathan Spicer MD PhD discussing eloquently the ever-present issue of resectability A multi-factorial decision making process Relevant to every lung cancer MDT #ASCO24 #LCSM

Dr. Jonathan Spicer MD PhD presents 4y update on CheckMate 816 at #ASCO24. Adding nivolumab to neoadjuvant chemo in resectable NSCLC improves EFS and benefit maintained (HR 0.66, 4y EFS 49% vs 38%). OS not yet statistically significant but important trend with separation.

Really important and not boring data presented by Marina Garassino showing that HRQoL is not impacted by the receipt of pembrolizumab in the KN671 trial. Sometimes a lack of difference is exactly what we hope to see!!! #ASCO24