Tanya Weiler
Academic at UniSA in enabling programs, researching transitions in, and out of, university for students, and CPD initatives for sessional staff. Views my own.
ID: 905212644004700161
05-09-2017 23:34:47
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Another great panel this morning, thankyou deanna grant-smith, Andrew Norton and Nadine Zacharias for your insights.. 01naeea 2020 symposium
.Tanya Weiler & Sarah Hattam presenting their research“The illegitimate academic: impact of PD on casual staff” such as Teaching Squares, Action Research & Workshops lead to student satisfaction ⬆️ and casuals sense of belonging ⬆️ #unisatl21
Very proud and fortunate to be presenting with my colleague Sarah Hattam at the QUT Centre for Decent Work & Industry symposium about our work in sessional staff professional development in Education Futures UniSA
Very pleased and proud the paper I co-wrote with Sarah Hattam has been published in Teaching in Higher Education (TiHE) exploring the impact of professional development initiatives we have implemented in UniSA Education Futures. Read it here: protect-au.mimecast.com/s/IHxxCq71YMcD…
Fantastic to have deanna grant-smith from QUT Centre for Decent Work & Industry as a visiting scholar to UniSA with workshops for colleagues from Education Futures and the TIU Teaching Innovation Unit
Listening to deanna grant-smith talk about her research Centre for Decent Work & Industry on the realities of multi-level marketing and its impacts on women in particular on ABC radio. Link below abclisten.page.link/BpqVTz1i2utwnJ…
A conversation piece with Sarah Hattam and Charmaine Davis 01naeea about the need to keep enabling programs as key to achieving goals of the the HE Accord What are enabling programs? How do they help Australians get to uni? theconversation.com/what-are-enabl… via The Conversation - Australia + New Zealand
Congratulations to Sarah Hattam Tanya Weiler and Sharron King on your book launch: ‘Enabling pedagogy and Action Research in Higher Education’ UniSTARS and amazing contribution to the enabling sector #naeea #stars #ephea #enablingeducation buy: diopress.com/projects/enabl…
Alongside deanna grant-smith we have written about how to embed enabling approaches further in our article: Embracing alternative pedagogies for integrating global ethics into the business curriculum tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…