RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kat @FJackie alice Anthony P. D'Esposito Rep. Anthony D’Esposito But of course she is. And Anthony P. D'Esposito is as well. He failed to denounce the two Proud Boys marches that occurred in Rockville Centre, and he is a dyed in the wool Trump supporter. Trump said he'd blame the Jews if he loses. #OneTermTony

RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@FJackie alice Anthony P. D'Esposito Rep. Anthony D’Esposito Prepare yourself for despair and the stages of grief. You are experiencing the end stage of a raging hate filled MAGAT. Gillen is ahead in the polls, and Nassau will vote BLUE. #OneTermTony

RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Manu Raju LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH. And not a very good liar. NY-04 constituent her. I and countless others have been working diligently to get this do nothing philanderer voted out. Answered prayers plus alot of phone banking and door knocking. #OneTermTony

RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NancyNunes 🌻 CallMeFlower 🌻 Manu Raju Badd Company He cheated on his fiance, with his lover whose marriage ended because of it. He got his lover a job at the ToH and his fiancé's daughter a job as well. All on the taxpayers' dime. #OneTermTony

RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

John R Doremus Jessup True Blue Anthony P. D'Esposito Rep. Anthony D’Esposito Rotten to the core. And a philanderer as well. Had a fiance and a mistress. Put fiance's daughter and mistress on ToH payroll, paid by NC TAXPAYERS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. #OneTermTony

RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

John R Anthony P. D'Esposito Rep. Anthony D’Esposito He was a disgraced cop. He left his service revolver in an UNLOCKED police car, which ended up being stolen. He's had many disciplinary marks noted on his record. He knew he had no future at NYPD, so he hooked up with corrupt NCGOP, who welcomed him with open arms. #OneTermTony

RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Robbo Laura Gillen No, we did it to DJT, and we'll do it to Adams if he's found guilty.. If a politician breaks the law, he has to be held accountable, regardless of party affiliation. I'm a Dem, and I want Adam's to resign now. #OneTermTony

RingPuppy (@maureenmckeow16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

George Santos Laura Gillen I knew he was on the down low. I have nothing against what two consenting adults do in the bedroom, but #OneTermTony needs to come out as bi-sexual.